so dudes..

she’s butt fugly. period. /thread

well honey… im free tonight once again. Maybe this time if we meet up early you won’t miss anything :slight_smile:



i don’t have his number. i have his mom’s house, but he lives with his brother. i fucking hate these stupid games. god damnit.


you have low standards, don’t you?

no, not really. i guess some slip by.

k aside from the jokes, if you wwere supposed to hang out with newman yesterday he WAS at the square yesterday did you hang out there? you made it at least?
so i don’t see what up!

newman? what? hahaha.

ok. i’m leaving. thanks for all your advice, ladies.


newman? what? hahaha.

ok. i’m leaving. thanks for all your advice, ladies.


pwned, /thread

you have more important things to worry about like finding a place to store your car for the winter !!!

christ. call his mom, ask for the brothers number. get the brother to give you him his phone number.

wtf? is it that hard?

Maybe his wife has been hovering over him for 2 days straight, he’ll call when she leaves for a while

Wait… I know the answer to this one. If he gave you the # to his moms house but doesn’t live there its because he’s got another GF/lady. Who in this day and age doesn’t have a cell phone? If he didn’t talk to you for 2 days he’s with his other lady.

i’m nailing your buddy, call you in a couple days kthx

Here’s a good one. Who gives a shit? If you’re seriously asking for relationship advice on NYspeed just dead yourself.

i cannot get over how much this thread rules

guys love it when a girl calls and wants to hang out (or rock out with the cock out!)

dude is probably shy, get his number, call him up, im sure he’ll be stoked

^^ but only call in your sexy voice.

God this thread is all kinds of awesomeness…

ring ring… hello?

I dont have the HIV, and I hope you dont either…




:lol: all men are children we just wanna run trains on bitches /thread

edit: and serve milk on your face