I’m heading down to Jamestown for the day. I wonder if I’ll be swerving around burning tires on the 90…
And so it starts. :tdown:
i dont understand why NYS just dont make smoking illegal. they have attacked smokers at every front. ive never felt so specifically targeted by a government in my life, and its all over something that i was led to believe was a legal act. way to go NYS, im glad your taking the time to focus on the big bad smokers. but lets ignore the failing schools where your children are picking up the habit. and who cares about the failing economies where the people you care so much about protecting are picking up and leaving for better opportunities in other states. and who cares about the financial nightmare that is the states spending habits which is why you would even feel the need to target a minority in your domain so you can keep unwisely spending OUR money and not worry about being elected out of office. fuck you NYS.
Uh, that makes no sense at all. Do you realize how many millions of dollars the state is losing because of tax free cigarettes on the reservation? That’s tax money that could be going toward police, education, or even lowering the general sales or property tax.
Sure, I don’t trust the assholes in our state government, and even when they start collecting the tax I doubt anyone will see taxes actually go down. The money will get spent somewhere, but hopefully some of it will go to the areas you see as major problems (school, police, fire etc).
Add to this the fact that if poor people cannot get their cigarettes tax free some of them are going to be forced to quit. These same poor people are the ones costing the state millions in Pataki’s BS “Healthy NY” program and Medicaid, so anything that gets them a little healthier will pay back huge dividends.
But all that is just vapor and spin. The truth boils down to the simple fact that the supreme court ruled states can tax sales on the reservation to non-natives. That’s the law, it came from the highest court, it should be the end of the debate. If our elected leaders decide to take the cigarette tax money and build a 500 foot likeness of Hillary in Albany (something I wouldn’t put past this liberal state), the fact remains that they have every right to the tax money.
lets not forget that its our fukin money, if they take it to waste it ( liek that are doing with wellfare and other BS social programs) then keep comming after more, its just a big load of shit. They tax it when you make it, when you spend it, when you die and if you give enough of it away.
Smokin Joe’s on 31 is completely out of Marb Lights
they had next to nothing left, minus the generics
fucking NYS
Do you realize how many millions of dollars that the state NEVER HAD in order to LOSE as you say, because the nations have been tax free since the 1700’s? Do you realize that if they didn’t have it in the first place, there’s no way they could lose it. So that’s not a good arguement. If the state never had the money in the first place, how the fuck could they be losing it?
Does anybody realize that the Indian Treaties are FEDERAL, and some asshole can’t just change the law in NY state only. We’re the only state that’s having this “problem.”
who said they are our friends???
fuk em, u live in NY u pay taxes. PERIOD
i hope every single one of those fuckers that evey think about starting tires on fire should be shot/peper sprayed/bombed…etc
and i think dawn said something about NY not giving the rez anything, where the hell did thier roads/telephone lines/water/street signs/bridges… all come from, i know they didnt build it all with their own people. I grew up in akron, and it is filled with indians, one thing i hated was that even the kids that were loaded (thier parents owned the smoke shops) got free lunches when my poor ass couldnt afford shit. Now if u drive on the 80% of the “poverity” houses have brand new cars/houses/pools/cable or sat/garges/barns/paved driveways…
they dont like me and i dont like them.
this white man is no friend of the red man.
You really should read up a little before just spouting what your employer is telling you.
Under federal law, Native Americans do not have to pay state excise and sales taxes on tobacco and fuel products. But in 1994 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that tribal sales of tobacco and fuel by Native American-owned businesses to non-natives, even when they occurred on reservations, were not subject to the exemption that Native Americans are entitled to. (Dept. of Taxation and Finance of the State of New York v. Milhelm Attea & Brothers Inc., 512 U.S. 61 (1994)).
As for “they never had the money to lose”… BULLSHIT. Take away tax free cigarettes and gas and those people would have to buy them off the reservation, where they would pay the tax. End of story, that’s money NYS is losing.
:word: I read all of dawns posts in this thread, and it is like she is an un educated puppet of the reservation.
WE ARE LOSING THAT MONEY. Wether we had it to begin with or not, it is a loss. If You Dawn could be earning $5000/week, but aren’t then you are losing that money. Wether you had it to begin with or not.
:tup: for finding the actuall piece of legislation
from what i understand, its strictly cigarettes their going after right now
thats draws the ire of suspicion as to its purpose
I live like a mile from the tonawanda Indian rez. They have their own fire co. but if the shit hits the fan, they call either Akron or Alabama/East Pembroke for help. We go down there more than anybody though (not on a regular basis, but for support). They use to call 911 and claim to have a house fire, wed show up and get shot at, so we said fuck em let em burn…were not puting our lives on the line to be shot at. Also, state police are alowed on the rez for certain reasons. but it is ultimatly up to the rez councel to let them.
Are you people really that suprised by this? look at the people we got in office running the show, people like Hillary clinton and her supporters…its pathedic.
so NYS finds it perfecty acceptable to add a good ole “sin tax” onto store bought smokes, greatly inflating their price, and then gets pissed when the indians sell them for dirt cheap
i find no sympathy for NYS in this matter
Somewhat, but, the indians should be counting their blessings. Based on THE LAW they could be going after both. Going after cigarettes though is politically easier ground because:
1: Gas prices are too high right now.
2: You can argue that high taxes on cigarettes will force some people to quit, which saves the state big money in health insurance. It’s an exponential savings too because it will be the poorer people who are forced to give up smoking, and they’re the ones costing the state the most in Medicaid.
Once Spitzer is governor (I gave up hope for a GOP governor when Golisano decided not to run), taxes on both cigarettes and gas won’t be far off.
yes, b/c hillary controls the STATE government…:roll:
And JayS is correct, every pack of ciggs that aren’t being taxed on the res is a LOSS of income for NYS. It’s no different than people who don’t pay income tax when they should…that’s the federal gov’t LOSING that income.
Can I Sioux the Indians when I get lung cancer from cigarettes I bought from them?:biglaugh: :lol:
You all saw it. I printed it out for when Joe later realizes he said I was right and needs to remove his post :lol:
Can’t lose what was never yours to begin with.
From everything I’ve read, NYS is just trying to collect the money that it’s legally entitled to. :gotme:
They’re only trying to collect taxes on products sold to people who’s ancestry doesn’t include native american, which is not in violation of any treaties. Native Americans are still allowed to buy american products tax free and sell them amongst themselves tax free.
you gotta be fucking kidding me, thats pure bullshit. i have to move the fuck out of here. what a bunch of thieves. “oops, we sdrewed up spending money on stuff it wasnt allowed to be spent on and hired family members so we could all get rich, now we are going to tax the shit out of anything we can think of to make up for our mistakes” they should fucking force the idiots that wrongly-spent the money the US gov’t intended for schools and low-income housing on each others salaries pay that shit back instead of charging all the rest of us while they enjoy that money with no penalties. fuck NYS