So how long until our native american friends riot?

Fuck white people. Fuck me.

What we did was wrong. Just came into this country, pretending to be all friendly and just out of no where just take out all these innocent people. Making them walk hundreds, even thousands of miles, with nothing but their animals, and the shit on their backs. Fuck that bullshit. “They should have fought harder.” FUCK YOU ASSHOLE. Before we came over they were all like “hey whats up we’re not all about technology”, and then we blew them away. Fuck you, go back to school, because you obviously were absent when learning about the struggles and hardships of the Native Americans and what we did to them. Bastard.

Read that. Research.

This isn’t about gas or cigarettes anymore. This is about respect. This is about fucking recognition. I don’t see anyone forgetting about the Holocaust. Why are we forgetting about this?

so we should go back on our word then and just take it from them? Judging by your attitude, your also cool with the goverment taking your property too? (eminent domain)

same difference really :\

hang on a second while i go find my violin for you. Actually n/m i’m gonna go drinking, i’ll check back later to sift through your whining.

Ok dude. Go get drunk. And drive your car. And crash into a tree. And die.

PS. It’s funny how you had to mention that you’re going drinking. Keep thinking it will make you look cool. Come on. You might have been a loser in highschool, but dude, you drink now. You party it up around NOON. Super cool man. You’re on the path to success!

Yeah. Because most living white people have anything to do with what happened to Indian land in the past. :bloated:

There’s too much gray area. They’re a sovereign nation so they don’t pay American taxes. But as of 1924 they are American citizens and can vote, use the postal service, go to public schools…

Found that here:

Show me documentation where the government ever really tried to help the indians get out of poverty.

The whole “we’re a sovereign nation” arguement is bullshit.

  1. The US gives the reservations millions in aid for schools, health care etc.

  2. Canada is a sovereign nation as well. If tomorrow Canada started selling cigarettes much cheaper than NY, do you think I could just drive over there and buy hundreds of dollars worth and drive back to NYS without paying duty? No, of course not, because I’m not a RESIDENT OF CANADA, just like I’m not a RESIDENT OF THE RESERVE. They can sell tax free cigarettes to residents of the reserve all they want, NYS doesn’t have a problem with it. NYS on the other hand is entitled to the sales tax for anything sold on that reservation and then brought outside the reservation, which I’m sure is about 95% of their business.

EDIT: BTW, I’m 1/4 Mohawk, on the Tribal Roles in Hogansburg. I spent a couple years working at a native run gas station when I was in high school. I went to a public school that had a joint school on the reservation, and dad was a member of the tribal police until the corruption got so bad that he quit. So Dawn, take your “research” and shove it. I’ve seen first hand how the reservations work and selling cigarettes and gas only makes a few people rich.

Seriously if the native american tribes were serious about profit disbursment, you’d see a lot more rich native americans…the casinos do quite well profit wise.

Woohoo. I work on the rez too, and if this shit continues, I’m going to lose my job. And frankly, that would suck. Not just for me, but for everybody who is employed there. And I would like to see where all of this millions of dollars for schools and health care went, because as far as I can see, they go to public schools off the rez, and their health care is bullshit and a half. And yes, I would know, seeing that my boyfriend is a FULL native american.

Breaking a treaty is breaking a law.

Take a trip up to Hogansburg. Visit Salmon River Central (the one off the rez) and The Mohawk School (it’s sister school on the rez). Talk to the teachers of each school and hear about all the funds the Mohawk school teachers have available to them, while my mom buys her own supplies.

While you’re there, stop by the Mohawk clinic, right next to the tribal building on Rt 37, and ask them how much it costs tribal members to have medical procedures. Yep, zero, zip, nada.

And while you’re there, stop by one of the several tax free cig and gas shops and notice the ethnic decent of over 50% of the people working there. So much for “it helps natives get jobs”. Half the people working there are from off the reservation.

And to complete your trip, drive down by the river and look at the mansions that make up maybe 2% of the houses on the rez (the majority are rundown hud homes, or trailers). A few are owned by a gas station/smoke shop owners, the rest by smugglers. Ah yes, the often left unmentioned, real big money item of getting tax free cigs. Although, since Quebec and Ontario cracked down on people selling untaxed cigs most of the guys I know who smuggle (and there were a lot) moved to bigger stuff, mostly X and pot.

You hear about the tens of millions of dollars from the casinos but you certainly don’t see it when you drive through the rez, there are tons of shit hole houses.
I heard about one Indian putting a 22,000 sq/ft addition on his house.
Way to share and care about your “tribe”.:biglaugh:

Careful JayS, Smokin Joe’s gonna put a hit out on you…

My buddys uncle owned beauty pools, they got paid something like 50k in cash to put in a pool for one of the gas station owners (i forget which one). I can only assume the treaties were set up to help the native americans as a whole, not a handful of them become millionaires by expliting loopholes in a contract.

I hear there is a group buy if he wants to ask around.

well, they ARE capitalists… just cause thier independant doesnt mean their communists :stuck_out_tongue:

NYS government = teh suck.

I heard on the radio that if all internet and out-of-state transactions that you made in 2005 didn’t include tax, that NYS wants the sales tax from that. But I heard that after I spent my refund, so that’s too bad.

Until you get audited, then it’s too bad for you. Those companies you bought from have to file detailed tax statements, so if you’re picked out by the computer NYS will know what you bought.


It’s going to be a warm with the indians. I heard that ny brought in 1500 extra police to watch around the reservations. I also know for a fact that there has been word that if it gets to bad the national guard, and militia will be called in to take care of the situation.
