so how many lumberjacks do we have on shift?

That was disappointing

Then you sir, have ridiculously high standards. :rofl

Pictures don’t do her justice. Her and her 2 sisters are pretty cute (don’t have pics of the other to), I must say.

But here’s a picture of another Ukrainian girl to make up for it? :rofl

This is Masha. She’s 17. I spent a good week with her when I was in Ukraine in August.

Yep that’ll make up for it:beer

Haha. Ahh…Masha. 17, 5’1" and hot. It was a good week. Then I went to a village called Borislav and my vacation sucked the last week. lol.


All the jizz gets stuck in Pauls facial hair, makes the job pretty complicated


im in lumberjack status

Anything more than a little stubble itches to the point where I need to shave lately. I really dont know what thats all about but I cant seem to go more than 4 days without shaving.
Ive grown a beard before but after a while got sick of constantly trimming it.

If youve grown one before then im sure you know that it itches for the first 4-5 days but then goes away

it never seems to stop for me. Thats another reason why I got rid of the beard and mustache I had. I got sick of the constant itching along with the trimming.

Use some moisterizer, its not gay if you use it on your beard:lol

tried that.
I guess Ill just stick to shaving twice a week for now.

Still not sure if i could grow a beard, i’ve got more hair on my neck than i do my cheeks ftl

A guy my dad knows has a beard and its so low on his neck and chin that it looks like he combed his chest hair up.

hey yoooooooooo. id post a pics but i dunno how lol!

your beard is lumberjack status you have the sweet jacket too!!!

i am a man of many flanels