so how's everyones snowtires working today?

All seasons + Full Time 4 Wheel FTW

Traction when you need it, and drift when you want to.

At least that was my experience 15 minutes ago.

Jeep w/Liberator A/T’s
Subaru with new snows(snowtracker or something like that)
We get around OK i guess

18psi, 90mph+, sideways, up and down rt 8… that is all

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

4wd + selectable, full-locking diffs FTW?

I pay for it the rest of the year in shitty gas mileage…but when it’s like this I wouldn’t trade the Rubi’ for anything else short of a G500.

MRossman wrecked his WRX at lunch today.

I went and stole my dads truck. 4wd ftw

These get me around pretty good:

I have the stock tires, whatever comes with a 05 mitsu eclipse gts outta the factory…13k miles. I left about 10 this morning, roads werent touched here. Had no problems at all. I love driving in the snow when I dont own RWD.

Sorry to hear about the crashes :frowning:

I’m gettin snow tires next year. I got michelin pilot XGT H4s that blow dick. 7/32 in the front 4/32 in the back…good thing I rotated before winter

studded azenis > *

I’ve got a set of Dunlop snow tires that are absolutely excellent in the snow so far. I’m very happy with them…

Although I can’t wait until I can throw on the chrome 18’s and cruise in the summer :sad:

et streets>*

Saw lots of people stuck today in the North Hills…people couldn’t make it up the hills on McKnight Road. LOTS of people stuck.

I have all seasons on the SS, but the traction control really seems to help alot.

4wd ftw!

mine are workign great

the snow tires and traction control are all i need but i threw a bag of sand in the trunk for good measure, no problems at all.


Graspics? i actually went to my part-time job this evening and i didnt slide at all. i still am alittle worried about my 45min drive up 79 in the morning tomm so i dunno if ill go to my normal job or not. but as far as around here, the little SS does pretty good.

Low torque 4 cyl FTW!:hsdance: