so how's everyones snowtires working today?

Damn, just went outside and there is 1" of ice on EVERYTHING. SAAB w/ Blizzaks, heated seats and mirrors FTW.

sorta the opposite isnt it? for a 2.0 its pretty fast. i just stay out of the boost and it tracs pretty good

No, just low torque:)

205/55-16 Hankook Icebear W300 Winter Snow Ice Tires got my fwd laser from ambridge/beaver co to ridc park in ohara and back about 1 1/2 hour each way, I actually stayed off the boost for once. there were a few times I wasent sure if I was going to turn with the movement of the wheel. If I had my bfg gforces on I wouldnt have moved from my driveway, hopefully tommrow wont be worse

Yes, graspics. 70/tire is nice and they work much better than my shitty all seasons or whatever they were that were stock.

if u say so.

Do you work in RIDC? I do. I’d like to check out the ride sometime if you’re around.

I was planning on listing the car for sale THIS WEEK. …talk about bad luck… All of the pieces popped back in place and are not tweaked on my car. The only damage is the bumper cover has a few 3" or so cracks in it.

The Taurus didn’t fare as well. Both driver’s side doors are destroyed and I’ll bet that guy got wet on the way home from the gap at the top of his door.

He was oncoming traffic and I hit him with my right-front. Think about what my car had to be doing to have that happen!

I wouldn’t have gone out for lunch except I had a furneral last week, had a weekend trip to Texas this weekend and never did my Valentine’s Day shopping. I hope she likes those damm chocolates.

thats shitty

I bet he wet himself from being nearly t-boned…window gaps not withstanding.


O amn, i knwo what thats like.i had an offer of 8500 bucks on my car last year n three dasy b4 the weekend when the guy wanted to see it the motor blew…

Actually, the other driver was pretty smart. He saw me crossing the center lane while the car was rotating and accelerated (best he could in the snow). That move avoided a head-on impact. He was also very calm and cool about the whole thing.

For some strange reason, he seemed to think that his premiums might go up if he talks to his insurance companyt even though the accident was clearly my fault. With that in mind, I told him to take the car to a reputable body shop and I would pay the cost out of my own pocket for a proper estimate. From there, we could decide what made the most sense. I am thinking that I will be writing him a check and “calling it a day”.

I figure I screwed up so the least I can do is try to accommodate the guy’s preference. We’ll see.

ehh…if it was clearly ur fault just turn it in to urs

GTP goes decent with all seasons with ok tread

Quattro and snow tires= :bigthumb: in this shit.

Saw an SUV slide sideways yesterday on McKnight at the entrance to Ross Park Mall intersection…saw a bunch cars stuck on various hills in Ross/McCandless as well.

Waiting for my drive in to work at 1PM today. It doesn’t look as bad out, but I’m hearing it’s actually worse.

I work at pharmacare in ridc park off rt 28

near bald goodyear rs-a’s ftw…

I got studded snow tires onj the front of my eagle, just some worn all seasons on the rear. I’m good except sharp corners in town, on the hwy I’m fine. The front doesn’t slide at all. Can’t beat the price either 225/60/16s and were free cause someone gave them to out shop since they sold the car they were on.

Indeed. My car is like a tank in the snow.