so i bought a new car

:tup: good purchase, let me know if you have any questions about some of the aussie quirks


seriously though, congrats. that’s one of the few american cars i’d own.

i can answer that

buy turbo parts
drop off in HRK’s driveway
pick up car



you always always always talked about getting your “dream car”, a black ws6. howcome you got this instead?

oh god, what a fugly looking car!

now you can be like every other GTO owner and race me and lose every time every way lol

You have a Vette…right ? Aren’t you too young for one ?



i thought u wanted to get rid of the truck to lower ur payments?

ur in college, u should enjoy the college life and not pay 300/month on a car payment

Coming to Dunnville then this summer?

lol. don’t even bother.

You posted this when, and got how many posts? :roll:

Shit man, congrats, it’s a nice car.

Ron, you got a goat? No rides for me? I’ll have to revoke the Ratt’s membership buddy :stuck_out_tongue:

All in all, they are a great buy. Tons of potential, and I like the fact that they are anonymous. Sleepers own. :fyi: Enjoi.

ha, didnt look at the year and assumed it was a 05

congrats, mike :slight_smile: i think you’ll be really happy with it. they’re really nice cars, and the LS1s… man. i really enjoy mine.


hm, on the board now that makes me, mike, RJ-92, traumadog, juicedss, jays, not bad. am i forgetting anyone?

If you’re going to drive it this winter, get some snow tires. The stock 17 BFG’s are fucking horrible in the snow. I’m a strong believer in all seasons being fine for WNY winters, but even I got snows for this car. The stock 17’s are “high performance all season”. AKA, the suck at everything, and since they’re 245’s they really suck in the snow.




do NOT drive that in the winter without!

what happened with the ws6 idea mike? :slight_smile: well it don’t really matter as long as you’re happy with what you have! it seems like you are, so :tup: to you. I’m sure you’ll have some good fun with that bad boy