So I drove to Albany today...

Yeah albany can get pretty weird at night, almost everytime id leave the lot in albany there was this one homeless guy who would stand on the corner near the entrance back onto 787 south and would just point at the cars hoping for money im not really used to it either lol

There are a few trails nearby, actually a shit load of them, I’ll hit those up. One has a nice downhill section thats steep with water bars going across the trail. Killington is 20min away, I’ve been meaning to grow a pair and try a day pass up there too.


Cool, man. Never been to Killington it looks like a fun place though.

no way, i drive through arbor hill nearly everyday at peak darkness time. dont be scared, most of them dont have the balls to do anything, they just cant afford to live anywhere better so they are stuck there(read: lazy and love welfare)

was it like this?

God I cant wait for his new movie to come out Friday

Yeah, pretty much. Kinda looks like the guy too (minus the pink box).

Thats where I park. I drive there daily man. Large black men never point at me.