…and somehow I ended up on a road that goes under the 787 bridge by the bus terminal.
Which is fine, except…there was a large African American gentleman standing in the middle of the intersection and he pointed at me. :eek3 So I said fuck it and kept driving towards him, I had all my windows down and as I was driving past him he said “Hey big man!” I waved, grabbed a gear and got the fuck out. I looked in my rear view and he was still standing in the middle of the road looking at my car as I was driving away.
Note to self; never go in that part of town again.
Lol thats nothing! hell, thats the “nice” ghetto part of town.
But you appear to be from vermont, thats a whole different animal then vermont is used to. I worked in vermont 3-4 days a week for 3 1/2 years, and I think I saw like 3 black people in that entire span of time
I delivered in rutland almost every day. I used to cover from battelboro, ludlow, rutland, motpiller, st albins, all the way up to Enosburg Falls. I dont remember seeing lots in rutland, but then again, i just stuck to rt 7/4
Yeah, you guys are right lol. I think thats why I like Albany so much, its a total opposite of what I am used to…there is actually life. I live about 10 minutes north of Rutland AKA “Vegas”, its got nothing on Albany thats for sure. Risky for me is driving through Arbor Hill at 2AM. That gets the adrenaline flowing lololol. One of these days I’ll probably get shot.
Nice, I picked up your bikes little brother at the beginning of this season. It’s a 2008 Iron Horse MKIII Comp I use it for my rides where pedaling is necessary. The bike in my sig is my FR/Urban assault vehicle.