So I got a new ride......

So, when you are in this thing…

you are nervous

you have to tense up your lower core muscles

everything is being pulled down at 9 g’s


Are you thinking what im thinking?

ill send you a pic :wink: lol


Load? Boom? Flight eNG? Commisioned flying? WHAT!

im sick looking at that thing

to make sure my body can withstand the punishment its gonna get when i am doing the G testing… its for research only

ive seen that youtube vid a long time ago, i always laugh when the guy says hes losing it, and hes only at 2g’s and then hes like, oh, right…

God fine! Usually its for a position someone will be cross training into it…

what are they paying you to be in research?

150 bucks a month

Would they let you rub one out at 5Gs?

something tells me i might break my dick off at that force… im good

or at least put a nice permanent bend in it!

maybe if they go backwards and i hold it, itll stretch it out a lil :pimp:

well my first ride was today… 8 months after the fact… but HOLY SHIT that was a rush…

its always been my dream to fly, and cant cause im color blind so this was one of the greatest things ive ever done… and it shows on how much i look like a fool hahaha

anyway… my body feels like its been kicked around and left for dead right now… but ill be going back in a week or two and probably go to 7 G’s

my rides were an gradual onset of 3, but we went to 5…

then went straight to 5G’s twice.

no passing out, and no puking…

ride #1 will be coming once its uploaded…

heres #2

and #3

and that “coming down” part is no fucking joke. it feels like youre going into a straight nose dive

my lunch would be every where!

i would absolutaly hate that.fuck this

Nice! Im kinda jaleous. i heard that weight training is actually more beneficial to G-shock resistence than cardio. Just sayin lol. So what do i have to do to sign up?:smiley:

Nice, looks like fun. :slight_smile:

i would love to do it but i would puke

yeah you have to have pretty good lower body strength… youbarely even use your upper body at all, its all legs and abs to push the blood back up in your brain