So I got a new ride......

i go in for my flight physical in a couple days and will be part of AF research testing in a centrifuge…

Fuck that shit, those things make me almost puke just seeing them spin.

good luck :slight_smile:

hahaha thanks… ive heard its not that bad… it just feels like someone forcing you down in your seat… you tend to feel a lil sick afterwards but well see… if i get a video of me making funny faces and passing out, ill post up :slight_smile:

EDIT: plus i only have to go 3 times a month and they pay 150 bucks per month to ride

lol like spies like us!!!

please post a pic, please please!!!

oh shit i wold just throw up if i waz on that
and i work at a carnavial


um, okay. please review.

it’s more then a force pushing down on you…if you want to keep from all the blood rushing to your legs/feet.,you need to tense every muscle in your body like you’re taking a huge brick shit. It’s an intense strain on all your muscles as a result.

I want to ride one so bad…

i cant view at work… im sure its pretty bad, but theyre not testing to make you pass out… they only spin you to test your body. the idea of the testing is to prevent you from passing out. i talked to a couple people that are already on the program, one of which works in my section, and they said passing out is really rare… most of the time you see people passing out its cause its actual pilots and they push them to the extremes to show them what its actually like to black out cause of G forces

EDIT: yeah i agree too, the guy who i work with says the only problem that he has is that his arms hurt cause of the of the strain, but its nothing thats too bad… and i shit a lot so i think i could pull this off hahaha


i didn’t think it would be too bad…but 5.5G’s put me on the edge of puking with the combination of weightlessness and cashews/gatorade.

I must have sweated what seemed like a gallon in short period of time.

9 sustained G’s is supposedly when you get to the pass out point without a G suit.

lol its gonna be an interesting ride thats for sure… for the 150 a month i could probably deal… not a big fan of getting dizzy though. i really have no idea what to expect, everyone i talk to is different with their experience in it.

theyre gonna give me an orientation ride to see if i want to be part of the program

an interesting fact… Brooks, where i work now, is where all the astronauts go get spun during their training… pretty cool


Missionary? Doggie? Cowgirl on top?

your mom never really specified… i guess whatever she feels like at the moment but i gotta be prepared for anything:wiggle:


So…do they give you a g-string when they put you in there?

I mean g-suit.

haha :rubicant:

tense up your whole body (to keep the blood in your head). if you get a chance read up on proper breathing techniques. keep focused on a spot directly in front of you. when you turn look to the side or turn your head is when the dizzyness gets really bad.

on the same note but not quite nearly as strong of g forces is a ride called mission space at epcot…

Fucking most fun i have ever had on a ride.

“What’s the matter Colonel Sanders, Chicken??”


it is fun, wait for the next level of testing…