This guy is not a fighter pilot

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thats a great video…he passed out 3 times LOL

hahaha thats cant be good


“nope lookin at my shoes” lol classic

That was sweeet, I could only imagine the force that puts on your body.

A friend of mine goes to school out in Colorado to fly fighter planes. He was telling me all about bracing yourself and dealing with the high G’s. Said people would pass out all the time, some would even pee and poop themselves. Definitely crazy, it was making me sick just watching it!

tommy maddox puked all ove rthe place

kelly fry held it all together

its my dream to fly fighter planes!!

my brother is a pilot in the air force(c130). He got a few rides on a navy f18, he puked and passed out the first time but did well on the second time. He says there is nothing like it in the world, it’s just an awesome experience. I would love to take a ride in a fighter.