So i got Pwned today......

Well my dad calls me today, and in passing says “hey you remember that old car in the barn? well the guy’s son (old owner of the house that passed) got in touch with me about a week ago, and he came and picked it up on a flatbed today.” The old car he is reffering to is a 1969 Mach 1 Mustang in restored conditon. The guy left it at the house about 10 years ago when my dad bought it and said he would be back for it and the 1932 chevy firetruck (which the kid didnt pick up yet). We never heard from the guy again and never really persued it. When i got old enough to become interested in cars, i begged my dad to try and get posession of the Mach 1 as abandoned property but he said “I told the guy he could keep it here, and im a man of my word” Bla bla bla. So now its gone and im pissed the fhack off :shrug:

damn, that woulda been a nice “freebie” !

should have bought a beat mach1, and stripped all the parts off the abandoned one.

man of his word :tup:

It was a beautiful dark red and black 428Cj car… as far as i know #'s matched… i could have never hacked it up

Do you know how much money it was worth… lots… lots…
Did I say, lots…

Watch for it on ebay soon.UNless he is a car car. Offer him $20k cash and see if he bites.

oh i am well aware :mad:

As far as i know, the son wasnt talking to the parents and the other brother or something at the time they sold the house. The father died and the mother went into a nursing home. The one brother was supposed to get the firetruck and the older one the Mach 1. I guess the brothers reconciled recently and the one that is still local (Rochester area) got in touch with my dad. The old man was big into classic cars, and before his death had sold much of his collection with the exception of these 2. I understand that the sons will be keeping them as a family heirloom in honor of their dad. At least this is the story my dad just told me…

most confusing storyteller evarr

if I ever see you, it is a punch in the baby maker!


but seriously such a hot car!!! ughhhh

Lame, I would have charged him $250 a day storage fee…

O well.

pics of fire truck?

I dont have pics of eiether, i know my dad does somewhere. He lives all the way out in Palmyra NY, i havent been there in a long time. Its a 1932 chevrolet fire truck, has an open bench seat, platform on the back and maked for the Rochester Fire Dept. Its also in good condition, and if i remember right (i havent seen it in years) the engine “looked” new.

I want to see pics of the Stang.

:rubicant: ? Yes, but your dad must be some good guy. Would have been nice of that kid to give your dad some sort of thanks.

ouch thats shitty mang

Glad to see there are still honest people around.Be glad your dad is one of them

damn, that thing is worth lots and lots of money, especially with the 428

sucks to hear that you couldnt get it. but your father is a good man for keeping his word. :tup: 2 that

Damn I remember you telling me about this last summer jim, sucks the guy came back for it would have been awsome to drive that beast of a car.