So i guess my car didnt get in

to world of wheels… reason given? Too many black cars. Im sure there will be a bunch of lime ggreen sunfires there to make up for it. :mad:

thats really fucking gay!! why do they car if they have a lot of black cars!!! thats just fucking stupid…how many of those black cars are 240’s with ur motor swap??? thats just soo fucking gay of em!! :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: it pisses me off b/c they wont pay attetion to what u have done to ur car…they just want cars that are going to have all of the F&F fans and wiggers that are going to be like aww shit dude look at that car its tight with its big fawking wing and purple paint!!! thats soo :greddy:

did u get it in time ? i never been in the new convention center but it seems like its a big enough place to hold alot of cars… thats ubber gay though sneak it in :wink:

that’s weak… if you are trying to get in, i say we just rally together and flood them with emails… let me know if you want us to!


  • 1 ga-fuckin-zillion. i actually can’t believe that they told you that, i bet if you woulda made a stink they would have caved. let’s email the fuck out of it. :reloading

say i need to give u updated pics and send em a riced out 240 then roll up w/ yours and get in :slight_smile:

my reason for not doing shows anymore…

i think that… well my car isn’t that much of a showcar…but then i go to the show and see tons of stupid shit.
i gusee my standards are too high, but if i don’t think my ride is show quality then how come a guy with a lime green sunfire with body kit & neon thinks his is???

last big shows i did was nopi in 2001 & carlisle back in 2002? the year darkstar messed up his prelude.
got 3rd in my class at nopi & 1st in my class @ carlisle & never did a show since.

kolar…your ride is defiantely show worthy

That is a bunch of crap! Do they think every black car is the same? what asses. It is bad enough to go to shows and deal with the spectators who nitpick your car. I say FLOOD them with emails

i say my car isnta show car either but then i look at all the rice and hardly any f body’s out there showing anymore so i figure F it i got some stuff done and at least its not rusted out or gaudy… ohh well i just wanna go n have a good time !

X infinite Your car should definitely be in there Kolar. We all know that! Some people just don’t appreciate what’s under the hood and just care about what the outside looks like :dunno:

and half the time the car looks like shit!!!

i’ve seen your car, and its a great example of what a 240 should be. screw them.

so this car show… do they want non-car enthusiasts like me to show up? If so then I guess I can understand their reasoning. They want to bring in an audience that wants to see crazy colors or other stupid shit…Is it right? Hell no!!!

wow that is shitty, ill be pissed if they tell me i cant be in it, cause my car is black too!!

how did they notify you??

wow,thats sucks johnny

defniitely is pretty gay

i am not feeling WOW this year, i mean it will be fun. but i talked to Bob the guy that runs it just the other day… total asshole to me, last year he was awesome and very helpful… this year just kinda rude.

good thing i am spending 450 on a booth when they will probably dump me in a corner some where

everyhing is now rice related… its sad that a car show used to be CLEAN, FAST, tastefully done cars. now its rainbow paint and tond of vinyl… the car scene in general is starting to suck :frowning:

bah, your car definitely should be in there john. like i told you at the track in the fall. i love your 240