This just in.... WOW

Just received an E-Mail about World of Wheels!!!

Here are the details

Last year World of Wheels was a blast for the people that were in the show and for the people that came down to hang out. It also brought a great deal of new people to the site!

This year I have no car to show, so I decided to get a booth for the weekend. Here is what I hoping to have for this year, on Site you will be able to purchase PITTspeed items, surf the net and especially pittspeed, receive complimentary gifts!

It would be great if people decided to show their rides this year as well. If you would like to show your car under the PITTspeed name that would be awesome!

As an extra incentive I will provide you with your very own T-Shirt. So whoever is going to show, PM me and I will provide you with the details you need to enter your car in the show.

I would suggest banning 8.1Crew and Shag for the duration of the show, so that they dont sit in front of the demo computer the whole time. And if you forgot to unban them at the end of the show… oh well. :slight_smile:

:weak:i’ll :ban: u now,so u dont come up for WOW! :booty:

i’m in!!! i’ll show my car under the pittspeed name

bics would probably. PM him. his WS6 is so clean its ridiculous

maybe we’ll take the poopstang down


im so there.

whitey IF I get my car done by that time I will show, but Thats pending Wx and being able to get the car down to the Body shop in time to have a bunch of stuff done.

I would think about showing but my truck wont be good enough “looking” by then… But I’ll defenately be down at the show!

the more the merrier… it will be a blast! there are enough interesting cars on here that we could build quite a nice showcase.

I will be there to help with whatever you need. Ill man the booth, help detail cars, whatever…

i’ve been dying to show my bonneville

Can I be a PittSpeed model? :x:

just kiddin!!! Don’t anyone get their hopes up!!

:spank: sure everyones eyebrows went up for a sec

ease up one your game, player. shes married so u can drop the ass kissing :embarassd :kekegay:

He’s also a good friend of me and hubby’s. :eek3:

mmmmmm ass kissing :cuddle:

i felt like bustin his balls


how did you know about the pittspeed models?