So, I have the greatest friends ever.

I’ve had a pretty shitty year. Between my mom dying of cancer in October, and my best friend dying in a car accident a few weeks ago, things have been pretty rough for me lately.

I’m getting married in a week and a half, so I have that to look forward to. Also, a few months back I made a verbal agreement with jay s (breetime on here) to purchase his gutted, caged em1 Si. The agreement was, after I get married and situated I would purchase his car. He didn’t seem to mind it sitting behind his garage for a few months.

About 2 weeks ago jay texted me to let me know that he had to let the civic go, and he sold it to someone in Rochester. I was pretty bummed, but I completely understood. I really had no place to put it, and understood that he needed it gone. Just another turd on the pile.

This past week, my brother had been pestering me to come out to his garage and try to troubleshoot an issue on his b18 swapped crx. I really didnt want to go at all, but haenszel came too, so i reluctantly went over to my brothers house this past Sunday.

We get there, and he’s like “ya, idk man, it may just start. Thanks for coming over.” as he swings the garage door open. I’ll let the pictures tell the rest of the story*

So shocked I look pissed

I see the car and have no idea wtf is going on

Still shocked, kind of look like I’m going to cry, meanwhile, haenszel is behind me, killing himself with lols

Finally understand wtf is going on

Everyone that made it happen

All of my friends had gotten together, pitched in a few bucks each, and bought me jay’s Si. To say I was shocked is a serious understatement. I honestly had NO idea that this was happening.

Huge thanks to Dan (gotdubd) big e, mos (mos IX even though he never posts) sak (airhead) and all of my friends who aren’t on here. A giant thanks to haenszel, who without, I don’t think this would ever have happened

I can’t wait to rip into this thing. I’m so excited.

The car, as it sits now

Awesome friends are awesome.


I’ll check on those parts for you tomorrow buddy.

That’s awesome!


Thanks dude! I’m good on interior parts, went to m&m the day after the suprise, who scraps a legit em1?!? I got beat to the b16 but as far as all of the interior pieces and a complete sunroof assembly…

Got it!

Beyond family, if you dont surround yourself with good loyal people, you have nothing. :tup: you deserve it man.

That rocks! Congrats man!!

Those are some pretty awesome friends!

Very awesome story man! Glad things are looking up and you got some great friends behind you!

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That’s awesome. Sorry to hear about all the shit you’ve been through :tdown:

Great story. Good luck with the project!

Thats awesome :tup:

Dude, that’s awesome. You, Dan, Brian, Erik and that crew have always been legit people. This just solidifies it. :tup:


Thill told me about this yesterday. I was hoping to see a posting here. Pretty solid friends.

Enjoy it…:tup:

This rules.

If you need some help turning wrenches I still owe you from the E30 days

Awesome Jam, you deserve it.

:tup: great friends!

I’m so glad you’re so stoked. There was a few days I was a little bit worried…