NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just purchased a 2000 honda civic SI its bone stock except a skunk 2 short throw and skunk 2 knob it has 113000 miles on it i hope to have some pictures up by tommorrow

sounds nice, hope it wasn’t beat on by the previous owner. How bad that set you back?

Nice, pics or :ban:


well they wanted 7500 for it but i baught a 2 year unlimited bumper to bumper warranty for almost 1000 plus taxes and fees it came to almost 9k but they gave me 3k for my 98 civic i just turned 18 so i had to start my credit somewhere why not on an SI lol

ha ha ha steve you live close enough come over and take a look at it lol but no hopefully after this damn rain quits i can snap a few shots o and BTW if you havent already figured out im not turboing the other car lol

I assume you picked up the black one at the stealership between my place and Varney’s? The one with the aftermarket back bumper and sides? Those guys wanted WAY too much for it. Two people I know picked up 99-00 SI’s with under 120K miles for under 4,000 in the last month alone. Congrats on the purchase though…

sucks that you didnt baught yourself an education instead of an overpriced shitbox. Congrats though.


too bad those aftermarket warranties are junk, they replace your broken parts with used parts that are about to break, so whats the point?

anyways, nice pick up, even though i also think the price was a little too high

yes sir you are correct i know i payed a little much but they gave me 3k for my car trade in thats more then double anywhere else would give me. And i been searching craigslist for SI’s just a bunch of SI’s with 180k or more miles

thank you darkstar for your concern but im still in highschool and unfortunently i dont think college is the way for me i took my civil service test for the city fire dept. and passed that. And my aunt is pushing to get me in down Caruso asphalt in the local 66. And if for some reason one of those 2 dont come through i was looking into the military after highschool.

i sure hope thats not the case but i guess ill find out when the time comes to use the warranty lol and believe ill defiently post my experience with that lol

i had 1 for my 95 eclipse and it sucked. i had my transmission go on it and i had it fixed with that warranty. the shop called me and informed me that the warranty says that if it can be fixed with used parts they will. so basically i got a used trans. in the car and it broke again in less then a month. hopefully they have improved the coverage. it was back in '00

$9k for a 10 year old Civic with 113k miles? 18 years old or not thats nuts.

Those warranties are garbage. I don’t know if yours is through the same company it was from Turnpike Auto Gallery…

But long story short, when something breaks, the dealership claims the warranty doesn’t cover the work that needs done and won’t pay, nor will the warranty company. Then the dealership stops answering your calls when you have a car sitting there with a blown up head (8 days after purchase, mind you), then you threaten legal action until they honor it. Ask me how I know.

i wouldnt count on that firefighter job unless you are a veteran

ya thats what i was figuring. So if the job in the local 66 doesnt come through i was thinking the marines for 2 years then come back and try the city fire dept. again

I think I rember reading about your headache with them. They are now out of business. For good reason.

I got a 2 year/ 24,000 mi. warranty with my Jetta but it has a $100 deductable. For the few things I have fixed on it, the only one that would have mattered under the warrenty was a halfshaft that was $90. It was cheaper to buy it and do it myself. The point is, it’s nice to have in case something big goes, but otherwise is mostely useless.

yeah… your definately 18…

o ya and hows that

my first guess would be is because you were born 18 years ago.

my second guess is that you think you have everything all figured out, things don’t work like that sit down decide what you want to do with your life. For christ’s sake get an education.

ya i understand that but i dont wanna further my education i have no interest in doing so. And in my own opinion i think i have a pretty good head on my shoulders for my age.

Dude… dont be a rebel, go to college… otherwise unless you get lucky, you will spend the next 5 + years working a handfull of crappy dead end jobs before you realize you should have went to college. And by then it could be too late, cause you knocked up your high school GF or decided to try and move out of your parents house and all that BS. Milk that free ride! lol

As for the military thing, I doubt you can sign up with the Marines for only 2 yrs… But if you really do want to be a Firefighter or Police or whatever, military isnt a bad idea. Plus you would get the G.I. Bill and you could go to college during or after for free. Oh and stay the fuck out of trouble, because you will be up against hundreds of highly qualified people who are applying for the same limited positions…

My advice comes from personal experience…