so i have to be in georgia by sunday ... and i cant fly thre ...

So, Did you make it there on time, or did you get fired? :gotme:

i was wondering this myself.

jam would probably just walk there in some jelly sandals

And a siq flannel shirt.

he is fired as far as i know. and also has one VERY angry father to contend with. you need to call him ASAP! he really pulled strings to get you this $45/hr position. and with no ID they sure as hell won’t let you on a military base. to say the lest on was on teh phone with someone for like a hour on your behalf… call her.

why couldn’t you fly, anyway?

read the thread before you post. you have to have this nifty thing called photo ID to get on a plane.

oh, i forgot about that part. thanks for acting like i’m retarded though, alex.

I wasn’t going to post, but how old is HRK, and how the hell does he not have photo ID?

old enough

because i lost it

wow… shitty timing.

how do u get a job without photo id

FBI background search > state photo id

I guess you can cancel this thread now^

Georgia isn’t that far of a drive.

You couldn’t have borrowed one of your family members cars or something until you got your photo id thing taken care of?

Sounds like you had your head up your ass on this one dude, no offense.

But he still can’t get on a military base without ID. At least I would hope not.

True, ah well.

I always panic about losing my wallet.

I keep it in pockets that zipper and refuse to wear adidas sweatpants, i freak out it might fall out.

should i have taken my moms only car or my dads only car ?

the other problem is im broke, i could have taken the bus there, but i would have arived with ZERO money, and its hard to eat for 2 weeks when your broke … which would have made the trip a case of long distance suicide by starvation.

my parents dont have spare cash laying around, none of my family has spare cash laying around for that matter, so who would u suggest i get $ from ?

and yes, i could have walked onto the base no problem, as when i arrived i would have had a name tag that GAVE me clearance … thats what the whole FBI background check was about, clearance to come and go as i please on the base i was to be working on.

and for that matter, i wasnt ID’ed at the NF AFB the summer after 9-11, and my ID wasnt checked. for that matter, the person i was with wasnt even ID’ed that day, the gaurd simply waved us in.

:word: the station i wokr at isnt on a base but the housing i live in is… and whenever i go home on the base you have to stop at a guard house… they just sit there and wave before you even come to a stop at the speed bump lol :gotme:

sooo what are you doing down there?
