so i met the hottest chic.. and i fucked up. lol

this is a very sad story… but i don t care cause i have someone… but its just the thought!

one night i went to ground round to have a couple long island’s and wait for amanda’ to get off work to get a computer at best buy… soooo i get out of my truck and there’s this HOT ass blonde skinny… perfectly hot chic holding the door open for her mom and then she just keeps holding the door open for lme but im just getting out of my truck and she saw me walking…

soo she stay’s there opens the door… i politly open the other door and said thanks… went on my way to the bar… she when her way to theresturant side…

sooo im sitting at the bar bs’ing with my friend angie who works bar tending… and i start thinking… "wait a minute… the hottest… blond ever [imo] just did that out of no where… } so i had 2 long islands and couldn t hold back…

walked around and there sitting in the corner of the resturant part… i chicken’d out. haha :bash:

sooo i sit down… eat my salad and drink another long island… and then i tell angie about this…

she goes over and looks… comes back and say’s she’ looks 16… lol. im kinda scared now…

soo i had about 4-5 long island’s in me… and i wasn t letting this get away just because i would be pissed if i didn t do anything about it!

weeeeeeeeeeellll i got up… walked over again and looked… THERE GONE! im like "ok i tried: turn around there walking out the doors!

slight whistle and hey… she turns around and we talked… she said she’s glad we meet and she wanted to see me again sometime… i was pretty excited but i didn t think i would act on it…
she gave me her number… and i never asked for her name!!! wtf!!!

im turning around and she says don t you want my name!! im like doh!! :bash: fwiw "shes 19

anyway days’ over… i met amanda and we went to best buy…

next day i realized i saved her number with out a name! and i forgot her name!!!

soo i did a couple reverse searchs on the interweb and got her address and moms inital…

so that wasn t good enough… cause i had no name! i then had my friend call and pretend he had the wrong #… well sure enough he had the NAME…

so week passes and im just curious…

im with some girl now… but i just wanted to call and say hi… so i called and talked to the girl who i thought was her!! and it was her MOM!!

she goes oh you talked to my daughter… you was the hansom looking boy at gr right?

hahah i laugh… i think im in!! then the daughter gets on and i sooo fucked up…

i told her sorry but i forgot your name… as i only new her moms name since my friend called and acted stupid

well she wasn t one who likes amusment… she said in that case i thought you was someone special… but since you don t know my name we will just end this conversation!!


like i seriouslly luaghed about this for a while becuase i was talking to her mom thinking it was her… [cool mom] and then i felt like such an ass when i had the wrong name…


anyway im happy with who i am with… and wasn t looking but i thought might was well just call… say hi… be a friend or something…


Did you copy/ paste that ?

wtf would i do that for… it just happend…

:rofl: was Mom hot though ?

normal… looked in her high 30’s… :slight_smile: its not over yet…

i can use one more luagh on the subject before the nights over… thinking about calling back…

anyone got any strange idea’s … i dunno… i need to remember this girls name!!

just to get this out of my head…

maybe ill call and act like a telemarketer. hahahahha…

so what was the hot chicks name and number again?

haha… im still trying to get this girls name…

i got her address… hehe send her a card!! haha

gimme the addy… im not afraid to get my “stalk” on

ok, where does she live? someone we know has to know her. what town, school district, etc

:rofl: that sucks man

pic needed to assess hottness.

let me strike out one more time…

location : hehe : between latrobe/ligonier by idewild! enough said


this thread sucks… your game is weak

i don t need game… im not a playa yo… :rofl:

That is my neck of the woods… Give me more info and I bet I can find out

Pittspeed Hot blonde Girlhunt, IM IN :blue:
possible AMBERALERT :kekegay:

what kind of stalk is that “a half stalk” j/k :rofl:

did you ever call her back