So i walked into work today... [christmas music rant]

…and there was christmas music on the radio. Thanksgiving hasnt even happened yet. Wtf. I now want to shoot myself.
that is all.

At my weekly stop at the John Deere store to buy parts for my pos John Deere I heard Christmas music. I was already pissed before I even walked in though.

jesus christmas music already?

I mean its not like my tree isnt set up already or anything…

It is relatively close,5 weeks.

Struggling economy,cant you see why they want to start early?

I love Christmas music, so I don’t mind at all :slight_smile:

my wife has been talking about 96.1 for the last 2 weeks. They started playing it today

My wife loves hearing Christmas music. I think she started November 1st.
She just had me put up our 10’ tree since family parties and full weekends will be here sooner than you think.

Fuck yeah, I have been listening to it on channel 434 TW sounds of the season. I love it, I could listen and do all year around.

I hate christmas music.

Whatever happened to Muzak when it was just instrumental/contemporary versions of hit songs? :confused:

I will listen to the classic stuff from the 40’s-60’s, but other than the occasional cover of a Christmas song from a good artist, it all sucks now. Plus it’s way too early.

bump for this year.

Not that big of a deal.

i’m okay with it. especially if its U2, Paul McCartney or Wham singing.

I HATE how they play Christmas music 9 weeks before but immediately stop playing it the day after. I’m still in the Christmas mood for a few days after Christmas. I imagine the majority of others are as well.

STAR102.5 has already started their endless cycle of Christmas music and stores have had Christmas stuff up too for the last few weeks. Christmas music this early has to be some psychological thing to get people to shop more.

I was in some store about 2 weeks ago and heard christmas music. I don’t mind it for like the week of christmas but anytime before that is annoying. Any xmas music played after should be illegal.

I like christmas music, it’s relaxing. I don’t mind them playing it after thanksgiving, I don’t listen to the radio that much anyways.

I gotta say, I hate Xmas music as well. Only day I can actually handle it is on Xmas day, maybe Xmas eve.

the repro room here at work has had christmas music on for a week…i like christmas music for like the week of christmas and for a few days after. otherwise it annoys me. anytime i see someone with christmas stuff out this early, i just think that person is retarded…we still have thanksgiving that comes first.

but then again i dont really get in the spirit of any holiday. i like driving around to check out chirstmas lights a little near christmas eve, and i like blowing shit up without people freaking out too much on the 4th…otherwise i dont really pay attention to the holidays.