so i wanna make a machete...any blacksmiths here?

well after watching rambo again im convinced that i want to make my own machete. what am i gunna need to accomplish this?

  1. anvil (but not sure what size or where to get one)
  2. bucket of water ( easily abtainable)
  3. realy hot fire (how do i make coals burn hot enough?)
  4. metal ( I think i can get some stainless from work)
  5. Hammer ( what size weight do i need?)
  6. muscles ( i have some so i think im ok there)

Am i missing something???

I will write up a DIY for guys after i gather everything necessary.


I dont drink so root beer will have to do.

but seriously, i might need these skills some day so i figured i should atleast learn how to before its too late.

you make the coals hot enough by pumping air into them

wait… did you get a facebook request too?


hmmm, i do have my fireplace blower. i wonder if this would work. Do i need a special type of coal or can i just use regular coals from a grill.

metal working has always interested me. I would realy like to learn.

ull need wood for the handle.

ughh i cant believe im facilitating this…

Why don’t you just watch the newest Rambo a couple times??

you’re going to want high carbon steel…

Catch wind of a Zombie outbreak? A machete would be my weapon of choice (after the obvious firearms, its nice to have a back up machete)

i dont recall john rambo having any of these tools.:squint:

already did.

edit: ohhh so i missed the part where youre going primative lol… my bad

you saw the machete i made jon,it was BA i was cutin mufafuckas

WWJD do?! only john donovan would :wink:

matthew “bushwacker” williams recommended this particular machete

so you wanna give it another go this weekend? maybe yourplace? i dont think the neighbors will appreciate the noise here.

come to think of it, i have a few in my garage as well as swords…
