So, I was driving home from work yesterday, and ran across something very peculiar...

Driving North on Old Beattie Rd. in Lockport, towards Rapids, about 6pm. Cruising along, I see what looks to be a small owl sitting on the rightmost white line. Turn around, go back past it, turn around again, and pull up about 15 ft away from it with my lights on. Still standing there. So, I walk up to it, and pick it up. Brought it home with me with very little struggle. Got some towels and sticks and put them in a cat carrier, and let the owl roam around in there. It’s an adult grey-phase male screech owl. I named him Dustin for the night (I’m sure a few of you will understand why).

Meet Dustin

Anyway, long story short, long ago I used to rehab, breed and care for birds of prey. Another life. So, made sure he was physically sound. Didn’t even have any feathers missing. Perfect shape. He is likely an imprint, which means that a human found him when he was very young, and decided it was so cute, and they would keep him. Well, this means that this owl now thinks that he too is human, and can no longer survive in the wild.

It’s also highly illegal to house any bird of prey, so I did the right thing and brought him down to Hawk Creek in East Aurora. He’ll likely end up being used for educational projects, and live a great life. Good folks there. They want to me volunteer. As if I had the time.

However, I did take one last picture of Dustin before we drove down there.

Saving owls and audis

both prey on the weak

owls freak me out

Dude…this thing weighs all of 5 ounces

Saw this bird of prey in my back yard the other day. Posted the same pics in the random picture thread but thought I would throw them in here as well.

Would I really be incorrect if I referred to Dustin as a Bird of Pray (see last picture) haha

Owls rule sooooooo hard!

Immature (less than 2 years old it looks like) Red Tailed Hawk

Nice shots

---------- Post added at 06:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

They have a downside. They’re pretty stupid as far as birds go.

Smart birds: Most vultures, and crows.

There were times I was training birds for educational shows. What would take an owl a month to teach, a black vulture would get in a day or so.

he does not like the flash =p

this is why I freak out

Nissans freak me out too.

So cool, my grandpa just finished building some owl houses for my parent’s property.

I also like bats.

Owls are really cool. I didn’t realize they weren’t as intelligent as other birds.

When we did the Camaro/ Mustang photo shoot at Central Terminal there were a bunch of Peregrine Falcons flying around. They have an amazing call. It looked like they had some roosts up in the top parts of the main tower.

So pretty :slight_smile:

I always thought of owls as calm and calculated, quietly eying down their prey while formulating a stealthy attack.

I guess I was wrong.:shrug:

Awesome! I’m glad you took care of the little guy, hopefully he does well now that he’s in good hands.

This is why it would make a bad pet,lol…

you’re such a nice guy…