So, Ice Racing.......

I’m planning on sleeping in the back of the wagon :slight_smile:

Yeah, I got that too. Oh well, going to hope for the next one. I was looking forward to getting out and tearing up some turf too. But the 2wd drive cars wouldn’t have done too well, if it gets too slippy they just sit n’spin. The big cars just chew the course to shreds.

can it is be cdduel teim plz?

(no homo)

im down for a road trip for some ice race sillyness.

STREET LEgal awd class fo me.

AMEC is having a two day event next weekend (March 8-9). They found 15-16" of ice on Lake Colby. It’s near Saranac Lake / Lake Placid.

looks like they’re also going for this Sun.

Yeah, but it’s too long of a drive for one day IMO.

I might already be out that way…

You guys coming to the CNYIRA euro-rallycross Saturday in Dundee? I am and will run the ice races on Cossayuna the next day.

Doubleheader anyone? :slight_smile:

I went to this today. Took my CRX on studded Winterforces. CNYIRA ran a two day event on Honeoye Lake. Weather was high 30°s and sunny for most of the day. Yesterday (I wasn’t there) it was colder, and they ran the course the opposite way. There was a 45 minute practice session in the morning, then 3 ~20 minute races for each group (3 groups total).

Practice was really slippery, the course was covered in snow and the studded tires didn’t seem to be doing a whole lot. I took a few laps with a more experienced driver in a neon and felt a little better after that. (you have to take the turns slow… Reeeallly slooow.)

First race, I was gridded at the back and just tried to stay out of the snowbanks for the whole time — successfully! Conditions were pretty much perfect for the second race. The ice was softening up enough that it wasn’t quite so slick, and it got a little easier to drive. Somehow I managed to get into second place at the very beginning and stay there for a while. That’s what happens when someone else’s car stalls in grid at the start of the race and half the field is stuck sitting there. By the third race it was turning into a big slushy mess. The snow was melting all over the course, and my shoes filled up with water as I was packing the car up at the end of the day. Uck. I would have gladly done another race or two if the conditions were better.

Anyway, I don’t know where the results are, I probably finished last in every race, but whatever… gotta start somewhere. :roflpicard: Wish I could have done both days!

pictures below, video will be forthcoming

don’t be scared…

practice — still snow on the course

same corner 4 hours later

skating rink for the kids

Lake CRX

what WAIT HUH WTF!!!



i need to do this

sorry Dave, I thought I posted here on Friday… it was a busy weekend :meh:

Good news is most of the local lakes are at 12+ inches of ice, so we SHOULD be on for the next few weekends…

Glad to hear you had a great day out on the lake Marnie. :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting the pics. The CRX looks great. Clean car! :tup:

Mike Kamm

I was there at the very end. You took off right when i got there. I got to do some laps cause everyone was done and it was pretty fun. A couple of turns were very tricky and i was more drifting in the bimmer than going really fast but it was fun. i am going to try to get one of my z’s ready to do this in the next couple of weeks. Don’t know if i want to risk dinging up the bimmer.


So that’s what was going on there. That WAS a hot spot for walleye, I was there Saturday trying to fish. A few of you looked surprised for the 110mph sled flyby lol.

It’s on again for this weekend. Dave, consider this your personal invitation :smiley:

hmmm maybe ill walk across the lake and watch.

w00t, I’m working on finding a car. Tempted to just take the wagon out there but without a limited slip it would SUCK