So I'm a homeowner now....sort of

Well, 2 weeks before my 22nd birthday, I got the keys today. My grandpa passed away back in march after my grandma last summer, and Im getting his house. 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch, full basement with tile floor for my partying needs, good sized garage, off main st. in williamsville/snyder. Came with everything in it, including the 50" LCD TV :tspry:

Now for the bad part, my family has forbade me from making major changes for the next year or so until everything is settled. (Ripping out carpeting/tile/etc.)

The house has pink (I believe the official color is mauve) wall-to-wall carpeting everywhere, except in my room which has some type of orange shag deal. The kitchen has yellow linoleum and yellow ceramic tile walls.

Other than removing the 10 billion flowers, knick knacks and family pictures everywhere, switching all the ancient looking hanging lights for modern ones, and ditching the pink drapes, what can i do inexpensively to make the place look more modern/masculine like a bachelor pad for 3 22-year olds instead, given the limitations of having the decor picked out by an 80-year old woman? Can I use any color curtains/window decor besides white with a pink rug?
I’ll post up pics next time i go over there, this thread is probably pretty worthless without them, but the sweetness factor of having your own house at 21 gets totally minimized once you get inside right now.

why can’t you re-carpet the place?

#1 it’s unlikely, but there may be some legal stuff with other parts of the family. (3 kids, 7 grandkids, i got everything) Everyone agreed on no major changes until everything is interpreted, processed, and settled. (Plus in the event that something does happened i would have wasted my money)
#2 I’m an unemployed grad student right now and there’s a good chance I move out of town after finishing my MBA in december.

Good deal :tup: Though sorry to hear about your grandpa, but thats how it goes. if you think you may move out of town once you get your MBA, i say keep it simple. paint the house some more modern colors, re-carpet with some decent carpets, and maybe any other minor touches you can think of. thats about it. :gotme: If the house is in decent shape overall, then theres really no need for you to go nuts with it if youre moving soon.

Sorry to hear about your grandpa. I’d leave it be while the house is being settled. This sounds like one of those things that could turn into a mountain of BS and split a family up.

Just fill the fridge with Genny Lite. There will be no mistaking it for anything but a bachelor pad. :tup:

Sorry to hear about your grandpa.

Nice to have a house rent free. One hell of a tax write off :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear about your grampa…that sucks. :tup: to getting a house though. If I were you I wouldnt even worry about the carpeting or any of that bullshit. Wo cares. Just put in some decent furnature and a bitchin entertainment system.

if you’re not sure you’ll be there more than a year, who cares about the carpets? if anyone asks, just tell them the story.


Sorry to hear about your grandpa. I’d leave it be while the house is being settled. This sounds like one of those things that could turn into a mountain of BS and split a family up.

Just fill the fridge with Genny Lite. There will be no mistaking it for anything but a bachelor pad. :tup:


:word: & congrats on the upcoming MBA :slight_smile:

sorry to hear about your grampa…did he leave the house to you in his will? If he didn’t…then I wouldn’t touch it. It’s considered part of the Estate and most likey the house will have to be sold and the profits will get split between family members so be careful in changing anything.

^andrea, did you get a puppy???

yes she did…thats hank

Thanks for all the congrats guys, when you were the closest with someone it’s sort of cool to know that they appreciated it.
guess we’re all pretty much on the same page, I may just have to move my oversized hot tub there in the meantime and see how fired up i can get the old neighbors

and i got it in the will, but apparently it was a last minute change that some people think wasn’t valid


^andrea, did you get a puppy???


yeah…you and Joe will have to stop by sometime and see him :slight_smile: how are you anyways…it’s been too long ;)?

:tup: sorry about your grandpa but its good to keep the house in the family.

my friend got her grandparents house… bad thing was all the junk laying around. good thing is everything that a house needs is already there. (washer, dryer, pots/pans)

Well I guess some good came out of some bad. :meh:

:tup: on a house though

Same thing happened with me. Defanitly nice living rent free and just paying the bills. Just wait and see what happens with the family. Its amazing how gready your own family can really get over something so little even in writing. I went thru it all. So congrats and good luck with it.


I was just thinking, whats under the pink carpeting??? Hardwood?? That wouldn’t cost you anything if its there and actually in ok shape. Maybe some Old English!!

Hey Joe, if you need a fireplace(s) or alternative heating (or someone to light your fire) you know who to call.


Congrats dude.

This type of shit never happens to me, when my grandparents passed away I didn’t get anything (didn’t really expect anything either).

Any house in that area has to fetch a pretty penny. I’d wait until the dust settles with the family and call it a good deal.