So I'm at a bar...

…Last night, I saw this massive International pickup, if you know what im talkin about then you know this truck is the picture of excess. Most people who have one are loaded. Anyways we are mingling and low and behold my buddy (local goalie guru) are relieving ourselves in the gents room. Some guy walks in so i am hurrying. Turns out the guy is Jay McKee, still lives in the Buffalo area, cool dude! ANyways we end up standing next to him at the bar a little while later, i said to my buddy " we gotta buy him a shot" so we did, i ask him “Jay whattya drink?” He says “Crown” Then i proceed to say this-NOW UNDERSTAND I am a number of beers deep, I say “wanna shot?” he says “ya sure!” Then i reply with “Your not gonna block it are ya!?” ROFL, Is that a good one or what!. Had to have been there.

This thread would be a complete failure if it wasn’t for your awesome sig.

I dont think you appreciate the circumstances. I say to JAY MCKEE shot blocking NHL pro. “Ill buy ya a shot, yer not gonna block it are ya?!” I guess ya had to of been there, I was pickled. lol.

uhhhh so does Jay mckee drive an international? Did you cross streams with him in the gents room?

I assuming your talking about the international CXT?


Did you cross streams with him in the gents room?



Did he laugh or grab his beer and sneak away into the night and then point at you from across the bar with an angry look on his face?

Yeah that sig is pretty sweet.

I see what you did there.

Good story and good sig.


I see what you did there.



i could sense your excitement in your text messages. I was at a skate and shoot and almost got into a fight with this 35 year old dude. he was playing so cheap, not even just dropping shoulder. hacking, tripping, slashing, etc. everyone wanted to fight him, and it almost broke into a fight at the end when we were getting off the ice. shit almost went down in front of the lockerroom. we get in to get off the ice, low and behold hes sitting next to me (he must have come in after I got dressed). Trying to be not-pissed-off, I calmly told him “if you didn’t hack and hit so many people, they wouldn’t be trying to fight you.” He replied “I play the way I play, etc etc. you have a problem with that, lets take it to the parking lot.” So i stood up, took off my elbow pad that I was in the middle of taking off, and said “all right. come on.” and he sat down and shut the fuck up.

then I got those texts right after. funny night

Great story.
Compelling, and Rich.


he was playing so cheap, not even just dropping shoulder. hacking, tripping, slashing, etc. everyone wanted to fight him, and it almost broke into a fight at the end when we were getting off the ice.


Bro you gotta do whatcha gotta do, and dont mother fuck me too much when i leave

No he was cool as hell, to bad he was driving, could have been a fun night.
heres what he was driving, only it was grey/silver


what did he say to you?

Ugh…he could drive whatever he wants and he rides around in a semi cab?

And no, I don’t give a shit about all the features in the thing.

he also is known for doing a little drifto in his brand new NSX when he signed with buffalo his rookie season!!!

good guy , good choice of cars

He was probably inches from choking you for hearing that for the 80 billionth time. :hang:

I drove aside of a black cxt down transit a week or so ago. I was just thinking the whole time of how self-conscious about your tiny penis do you have to be to buy one of those. It was funny seeing a bunch of other guys in their super dutys and full size work trucks trying to catch up to him.

Fuck the CXT fucking GMC Topkick is far more badass