:blue: :itr41: :grouphug: :love:
just refer to everyone as HONKY!
im sure they would call you that.:mad: :tounge:
i am sure you are going to get into a fight ot atleast a argument
Originally posted by Darkstar
IB I get drunk and call let a racial slur slip and they drag me out back and shoot me.
Thats why i stopped goin to party’s down here, and now drink in my own apt.
Originally posted by Darkstar
FuCk All YoU HaTeRz
Keep a camera handy in case Lil Kim’s boob pops out. If you can’t take a camera, a hand sketch will suffice.
Originally posted by gearhead
dude… how do u think I feel??? don’t here I am the minority!! :eek:
The same way i feel up in butler or down in Elizibeth, etc…lol
you’ll get use to it…It never really bothers me anymore.
Benny and I ate in some hick dinner a few weeks ago that was on 22 out past PRP…the looks on their faces when we walked in was pretty funny.
Originally posted by Darkstar
i dont exactly mix in too well
it takes practice…if you need some help let me know:tounge:
Hello, and welcome to January of 2004.
Holy ressurection batman
Didn’t give a fuck back in 2004, don’t give a fuck in 2009.