So im looking into starting my own business...

Originally posted by showtime
I saw that show…that type of company can make mad loot, but you have to be that ambulance chaser

yeah, the main problem people seem to have is that they dont even know that such a business exists. I would have no problem making some sort of advertising campaign that could tastefully inform the city that there is such a business. I mean if Funeral homes can advertise, then so can i…

Its an invaluable service… i mean, could you imagine having to scrape your kids brains off the walls if he blew his head off? that would fuck you up for life.

There was a deer splattered on 51 this morning. That would be good training and you could put it on a resume. :smiley:

If you go for it, hope it works out.

Old thread i know, Been seeing kits online for $1400 and then charge up to
$800 hour. Have to get certified and have the correct gear and disposal places.

Also seems like it’s hard to get on with a company. Easier starting your own.

Service Pros is one of those companys

Good lord $800/hr … Dark still thinking about this?

My fault it was this company

Count me in. I have a strong stomach, but I’d wear rubber boots, gloves and a full body deal when dealing with blood and bodily fluids.

Forget cleaning the carpet, put on the rubber gear, cut it, roll it up, and take it out. Pay the disposal and move on with the project.

In the case of a kid offing himself in the house, the family would probably like help selling the joint too, way too many memories.

Can we get a list of any other jobs that pay 800/hr?


Old video but you get the point.
this thread was made in 2003 btw:rofl:

someone should send this idea to dirty jobs on the discovery channel. gotta be pretty nasty.

when my friends dad shot his mother and then himself i remember the cop literally walking out of the house and saying something along the lines of how are you gonna clean that up or something .

apparently there are police stations that dont know such a service exists
or cops that are just that mean

or both :doh:

#1 Sucking my dick (of course you would do this 5 minutes at a time and get paid $66.67 per sucking)

being married that disappointing ?

You can make an absolute ton doing that type of service. I was at a factory not too long ago where an accident had taken place and the invoice that the company received for the cleanup was five figures ($XX,XXX). It would not be a pleasant job, but if you can stand the work you can make a lot of money. Although I do not think it would be easy. Those chemicals are not cheap and there are standards which you must follow. You can’t just go dump bleach and mr. clean or something, you actually have to remove all of the tissue, blood, liquid, and stuff becuase these remains can carry horrible diseases.

haha…a man can never have too many BJ’s

I’ll be making $1,500 to pick up some chemicals in Salisbury and drive them into Ocean City tomorrow. thats only 45 min of work, and no dead bodies ftw.

I don’t understand…makes no sense to me. Why and who would pay someone that much $ to drive chemicals 45 min away.

You would be suprised what people pay for something in dire need.
When i worked for Stat courier, they would pay me to pick up a 2 pound box from the airport then deliver it to grove city. Easy $240
Plus using their vehicle and fuel. :nuts:

well that’s somewhat within reason…but $1,500 is crazy for a 45 min trip…if it’s true and all he had to do was to pick something up (not have to pay for it) and drop it off for $1,500 then more power to ya…and the guy paing it is an idiot. Then after that I am sure this is a rare case.

I didn’t know what the company made. I wouldn’t be suprised if was beyond $1000

Wow if that’s the case I’ll get a beat ass truck and do two 45 min deliveries per week an make $156,000 per year…for working 1.5 hours per week…or 78 hours /yr.