was behind this van today...

Caught this with my LG Cell Phone today, so apologies for the pic quality.

Read the Company Name on the van & then look at the bumper sticker. :smiley:



:rofl: x 2

ā€œwere number 1 in the number 2 businessā€ haha

:rofl: http://www.a1sewer.com/

ive seen the number 1 in the num 2 bus before on the back of them. but i have never noticed the

stool bus or

URINE a1 hands with us.

funny shit.

I was gonna post about the catch phrases, too, but I figured yinz would catch them :rofl:

HAHAHA nice.

haha thats greatā€¦

i wonder what possesses someone to open up a business doing that thoughā€¦like do you just wake up one morning and say i want to clean up shit for a living?

I guess when you have a job like that, you have to have a sense of humor.


the less people like to do something, the more they charge. dolla dolla bills yall.

(in actuality Iā€™m sure the vast majority of these businesses probably started when someone that worked for another company got sick of their boss and went off on their own.)

Isnā€™t that the american way?
Just like the crime scene cleaners, work for a decent company then start your own and then charge Hundreds an hour.

awesome lol

I hear it works for most. I was like 10 minutes late to my Dr.'s appt. the other day and he was trying to give me shit about it, ā€œtime is money my friendā€. I was like yeah ok asshole I charge more per hour than you do. I donā€™t need to hear that shit. :zzz:

type it again and make some sense mmkay.

i used to be freinds with the the son of the guy that owns hapchuck sewage, i asked him why he picked that job, and his response wasā€¦and i qoute" aint never gonna be out a work cause every body shits"



ha ha ha ha