Mythbusters - Anyone see something that will stop 6000 page threads?

[quote=“XH TNTA,post:140,topic:37377"”]

So people on this forum cannot have a different opinion then others without being a tool or an idiot because they do not concur with the majority of others?
Different opinions and ideas are what makes us all different.
Everyone is entitled to their own ideas and theories.
The plane my perhaps take off.
Perhaps it won’t.
Only way to know for certain is for the experiment to be tried and tested.


this is earth, this is reality, physics isnt optional, nor is it an opinion. For fucks sake, i took physics back in highschool and i know the planes gonna take off. For all of you ignorant fucks who think the plane wont take off, i hope you die in a firey plane crash :cjerk: