so I'm officially heading to Houston, TX (don't click if don't give a fuck)


Warm weather bound, new job already… For those of you who don’t know my father had a major stroke about 2 months ago. I’m picking up everything I own throwing it in the back of a moving truck and moving to Houston.

New job is gonna be a lot of shit to learn:

VPN, Pix, and Cisco!

sweet!!! gfs dad best friend lives in houston!!! good luck down there!!!

sorry to hear about your father, but good luck on the move to houston


good luck. my move paid off big, hope yours does also!

sorry to hear about your dad :frowning:

other than that


i dont give a shit!:smiley:

sorry to hear about your father, but good luck on the move to houston

me and bobby311 are coming down for the OT meet in June… get our room ready… kthnxbye

I know I rag on you a lot but I am very sorry to hear about your father. I hope he makes a quick recovery.

on the good side though there are a lot of pretty sweet cars and what not down in houston. Bob Norwoods Garage is also near there. congrats on the job and best of luck.

PS- there is a houston street racing site I used to be on. I can’t remember the web address but I know there is one so you will have a whole new message board to hit up

really? :naughty: I was also thinking of attending…

very sorry to hear about your father, but didnt you just build a house? or buy on or whatever?