So...Im thinking about selling out......

actually phoenix has this really cool kind of merit system if you will. Theres 5 levels, 0-4. 0 gets no extra money each year and each level you go up, you make a certain amount more a year, the most you can make at level 4 is like 7,300 a year. Its based on education, physical fitness, marksmanship, languages you can speak etc.

Yea, read all about that^^. I take the test tomorrow. Should be a breeze if its anything like the one i took for atlanta.

Would be interested to see what part of town you will work in. Phoenix has its areas just like any other place. What part of the city do you live in ? I’m in Peoria.


I’ll be in Peoria May 1st - 5th, meeting with some Lotus and MR2 friends. Is it a nice town?

I don’t see how you’d be selling out. Having a good job>*

basic police test, gotta rememebr profile pictures, gotta remember a crime scene drawing, and basic math and sentence sturcture for english. I didnt try at all and was kinda daydreaming the entire time and got a 78, and u have to get a 70 to pass, and its pass fail as far as moving to the next step in the hiring process which is the physical agility, which was the next day for me.

yea,its kinda north phoenix, this whole area is pretty nice

Peoria is nice. Like anywhere there are good/bad parts. You should have really nice weather when you are here.