So...Im thinking about selling out......

And taking the Phoenix Police exam…
I took the Atlanta exam years ago and passed and was offered the job…but didnt end up wanting it. Anywho, did my homework here and been here for about a year, sick of the career path I have been on…
Hate? haha

I think it’s a great idea.

adult baby sitter = police

pheonix is a beautiful city…fell in love within a week

Phoenix is fucking awesome. pEAce the fuck out

oink oink oink…

JK, I wouldn’t pass up an opportunity for a good job

id do it in a heartbeat… phoenix is a great city, not a lot of big crime. plus the most important thing… job security… thats why im staying in as long as i can… the economy may be in shit, i know ill wake up to a job

as for your concern about the “hate” as long as you do your job to the best, and dont let the power consume you, im sure everyone on here will give a blessing… i have a lot of friends that are cops cause theyre good people… but there are some real dicks out there

do you speak spanish? I’d think it’d be a requirement down there… or it should be

fucking pig

jk :slight_smile: i say do it. Why not its warm all the time there and there’s a lot f good looking slutz.

if you can’t beat um…join them…right? LOLOL I think it would be worth a shot Tom :slight_smile:

2 much paperwork. But its a fun job g/l.


Go for it.

AKA-BACON? do it up!

How bad is the crime down there? I would try to talk to someone who works on the force down there. Prepare yourself for dealing with the scum of the earth on a day to day basis because you would probably be stationed in da ghetto.

took that exam, extremly easy. But its the only department ive gone through the hiring process for and smoking marijuana 10 times was too many. They disqualified me because of it. Dissapointing too because of all the cities that said they would hire me, i think phoenix was the only one i was gonna work for. Its a beautiful city, i fell in love with it every time i would go there.

edit<—o ya and if you fuck up there you cant apply anywhere else in the state, kinda fucked up.

there are 5 precincts, north east south west and downtown. east is the worst. MS13 is pretty big down there but its really not too bad, and their homeless situation isnt too bad either

no its not buf they ask you if you are about a million times

he is just in it for the work discount…:slight_smile:

If you can do it and get in :tup: Whats the career path like? are they 20 yrs and out to retire like the troopers can here? Wouldnt be bad…
