So, its been a secret, but me and jay(addicted2Boost) built a car together

why is it everytime I click your link i get the stupid toyota advertisement!

i dunno, try this here to see Video

4 rotor?

Didnt mazda make a 4 rotor truck engine in the 70’s?

no, this is 2 13b motors grafted together

same thing. i guess i’m not ment to see that video.

oh dear. Twice the unreliabilty :stuck_out_tongue:

you weren’t supposed to let the cat out of the bag yet!

sorry… the sound was insane i couldnt do it…

HAHAHAHAAA HHAHHA :lolsign: :slight_smile:

Sounded like a race bike…fast none the less.

I dont remember the site but when I was looking at rx7s there was one that showed you how to bolt two 13b together

what blew out at half track on the first pass

i think what “blew out” was just something in the track already, thats right where the exhaust dumps out.

“twice the unreliability”


OH WERD! Newman and I actually built this instead of the rBMW


that car ripppppppppppppped