So kramer proved he is as retarded as pete and murdogg

cannons :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

people fuck around my house constantly, im the asshole of the neighborhood so it wouldnt bother me, i think he needs to take a chill pill and realise how redic. he is being

how is he bein redic ,his relatives have him in the house as a guest .he is gettin heat from all the shit he is askin for help ā€¦trust me i wanna do it also right now but he is askin to stop so let it go all his aunt has to say is get out and he is fucked

iā€™ll tell you what, if cameo gets kicked out of the house for me honking the horn tonight i will either go over there and apologize to them and tell them to take him back or he can stay at my place until he finds somewhere else to stay

if i had known this much bullshit would come out of having a little fun i would have just stayed home :facepalm

chill pillā€¦ its a hell of a drug

if that is the case bombs away then ā€¦i can see it now cameooo and kramer snugglin it up late at night playin wit joe jiggs nipps an shit

yeah fuck that, cameo gets the basement, and joe jiggs is miles away at the Giglio Residence.

I can find you and Iā€™ll follow you til they pull you over and the plates are usually accurate 85% of the time plus if I need to I can get a private investigator tell you registered on this site and theyā€™ll find youā€¦:shifty


makin threats now :rofl

I dont get even I get revenge and I dont threaten I promise! thanks have a nice morning.:crazy

not trying to be a dick or show off/exaggerate but i have more connections than iā€™ll EVER need to get out of anything you try and pin on me for fucking driving by your house and honking

same here so lets see who has the bigger armyā€¦:hugtry getting pulled over by alb, colonie and the state 5 times in a year and not getting a warning no less a ticket.


iā€™m not about to get into some kind of dick-measuring contest here :facepalm

never implied that either. you hang with you group at recess Iā€™ll hang with my group and were okayā€¦

okay so weā€™re arch enemyā€™s now? :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

Ban 1

ban 2, thatā€™s a threat, same shit that got joey and cliff banned for a week :facepalm

no threat. no ban. rather a promise, wanna try me.

banā€¦just for stupidity of this thread

what are you some kind of a mobster? :rofl :rofl :rofl