So lets say I wanted a pet lox

Illegal? Irresponsible?

I really think that it would be sweet to have a pet lox. I wouldn’t just go out and capture a full grown lox, that would be stupid. I’m thinking more along the lines of raising a baby lox and keeping it. They are part of the dog family? and I’ve seen them as pets before. Infact you can buy certain types of loxen as domesticated pets. (not the red lox that I’ve seen however)

And it’s not like I’m looking to buy a monkey for my 3 year old daughter here, so let us be serious. :slight_smile:

wtf is a lox? paulo wanted a fox… i think you’re both retarded.

it was funny before this thread.


I felt bad for Jay getting banned.


Lol, my appologies for contributing to the gayness of the site.

Lox is salmon

you need to hang out with more jews

Im confused. Why jews?

Ahhh Lox… I was not thinking for a minute. Lox = Smoked Salmon

Jews, because it is a traditional food.

Edit: here is a stupid google definition

The word Lox is a Yiddish translation of the German word “lachs” which means salmon. This term references a method of curing salmon. Traditionally, lox has a much higher salt level and is not smoked. Lox can be either wet or dry brined.

Ah so its basically fish jerkey. i think i might have had the shark equivalent of that a few years back. Good shit if i recall corectly

I think I have the pox.

yes time for another bashing with the ban stick

I fucking love lox. No one around here has it. Lox with cream cheese on a bagel. MMMMMM.

I’m a jewbag, by the way.

anyone interested in some fresh salmon? I’m going salmon fishing tomorrow again, we were catching them like nobody’s business today…

And I literally mean like a dead salmon in a bag. I don’t gut/filet/cut open the fish or anything of the sort myself.


Oh, this is still going?

Parody = ban.

Be that as it may you are still a christian in my book :wink:

Man you kids love your virtual ban stick bashings huh?

parody threads are stupid and annoying and the creator deserves the ban.
