-ok, this is what i got about FRANKS head moving. It was Wills imagination. He looked over at it noticed it was there and his mind played a trick on him but the director wanted it to play the same mindgame on us.
-The movie made sense at times but totally lost me at some other times. He said he was immuned to the virus, did that mean being bit too or only the virus when it went airborne?
-About the cars being clean. I am sure he cleaned his favorite cars (fords:hay:). Like others said, if he had enough time to set up the Maniquens then he had enough time to clean a few cars.
I was puzzled on how she got off the island and on to it.
And last but not least, how did he consider it a cure? Your telling me that you would have do tie down each of these rabie infected humans? Put ice around them to strengthen up the “cure”? Whos got time to do that when there are billions of these creatures out there. Someone better get a lot of ice and rope:poke: