So, lets talk about the awesome plot holes in I Am Legend *Spoilers*

  • Super grenades, anyone?
  • Never being told, or shown to as whom may have set the trap that Will Smith fell victim to. (I personally think that Will had forgotten about it, and fell victim to his own trap)
  • What Will Smith had to do with the whole Virus. Why was he on Time Magazine?
  • Anna was waiting at the dock all day for him. She would have seen him earlier in the day setting up the decoy for when he tried to kill himself, and wouldn’t had to have rushed in to save the day.
  • How did Anna get from Brazil to NYC, and more specifically onto the Island, if the bridges were blown up?
  • Why was there no “fail-safe” in his lab? I mean he had explosives and lights outside of his house, but nothing where he kept the subjects?

This movie gets a 6.66/10 from me. Only because the first 2/3’s of the movie was entertaining and worth watching. The last 1/3 of the movie was fucking absurd and left you with more questions than answers.

LOL @ Ford wanting people to believe that after 3 years of sitting, the finish on their cars would look freshly waxed.

she heard his radio broadcast and drove in from maryland, she mentioned that part.

But the bridges were down… soooo how did she get there is what he is saying…

also - that dead guy - roger? whatever his name was - his head turned - how?

Also, I was more annoyed by the scene where he is attacked by the dogs. First, I think that the dogs were angry enough to jump through 6" of BURNING UV RADIATION to get at him. Secondly, What happened to that guy who released the dogs? Seems like that would have been a prime opportunity to get will.



the only real hole that i can see is how the hell did anna get onto Manhattan when all paths over/under water were destroyed? and then later get off to get up to beautiful Vermont :wink:

also, the bad guys are smart… they watched big willy talk to that manikin (roger) in the shop then baited him in the street… earlier in the movie big willy told the mac that the bad guys are, after studying them for the last 3 years, not showing any signs of human traits… now how the hell is a highly educated person, who has dedicated his life to the cause of helping these fools going to miss that. the monsters created an elaborate trap for him.

oh and “How did Anna get from Brazil to NYC, and more specifically onto the Island, if the bridges were blown up?”

she came from MD… she was on a red cross ship until the monsters came aboard and flushed out the immune.

After viewing this movie, I’ve started planning for the inevitable zombie attack… my house will have a secure room like the one in panic room with enough food and water for a decade. thanks big willy for giving me the inspiration :slight_smile:

I did not catch him moving…

You called him a “dead guy”. I’m fairly certain he was a mannequin. His name was frank.

Thank you Movie Critic Newman :clap::lol:

It’s possible that she could have used one of the ferries that were shown in the beginning of the film. Although after 3 years w/ no bilge pump, they probably would have sunk from rain.

I did find this that answered my question about the head moving: Newman watch it again to see what I’m talking about.

They never explained how one of the zombies made the manniquin Frank move it’s head and why Will’s character, a top scientist, wouldn’t notice a rope hanging from above this obvious trap.

"The Darkseekers did not make the manniquin move, it was in Neville’s head. The rope was hidden along the a ground and in the pool of water. It was not easy to see and remember that Neville had started to go a bit crazy from being alone. There is a bit of psychological trauma when everyone you ever knew is dead and when you think you are the last man on Earth "

And with all the people that lived in New York at the time (2009), what happened to the millions of bodies? There would have been rotting bodies and bones all over the city still 3 years later…

"Some escaped, some where buried in Central Park ( as shown in newspaper articles,) and the rest were eaten. The Darkseekers were eating everything in site to accommodate their hyper metabolism. "
Also, how about explaining what the liquid he squirts at his door is? Vinegar, bleech, rubbing alcohol? I can figure out why, but why not explain it?

"It was to mask his scent and looked like scented cleaning fluid "

How did the woman and kid drive to manhatten? Didn’t they show the jets destroying the bridges to stop the infection spread? wouldn’t they have done this to all of them within the following 2 or 3 months?

“No offense, but you must not be from NY. There are plenty of ways to get to Manhattan that do not involve bridges”

I saw Frank’s head move too, I was wondering about that.

i agree with some holes but here are my answers and i think there are less than what you listed

-yeah movie grenades…but i have never seen one blow up 5’ from me so it all looks pretty real to me

-dark seekers set the trap. i think the clue is when will smith is doing his video diary and mentions that they are totally void of human charecteristics. i think he was wrong and the trap was set by them (it is his perception that is failing) they obviously put frank there, so they watch him, and so it can be assumed they watch him with the traps as well. also, why would they be sitting there with dogs if they werent waiting for the trap. newman has a point, i just give the dark seekers more credit i guess. i agree, the 6" of light and then the dude NOT coming out when will was vulnerable is suspect, tyhat was a HUGE hole to me

  • not sure

-during the movie i thought she got there by boat. but they never show it, and when she resues him she is driving something, and it sounds big. bigger than the ford escape she shows up to the colony in. the storyline said she was on an isolation boat from peru…so i assumed she arrived by boat, but like i said, never was confirmed

  • totally agree

my g/f brought up the point that there should be a fail safe in the lab…like a gas or some sort of gun turrets. but to be honest this was a hole for me from the begginging. the dude had everything set up and it was all done himself. this reminds me of the thread about how much the average american male can do. judging by what they showed his house to have, and what we assume he does himself WITH NO OTHER HELP, inlcuding i am assuming no internet for guidelines:

wire exterior bombs
move light generators and fit them for UV
install a water heater in an abnormal location in the house
install shatter resistant glass, in a single piece, in a basement
all this on top of being a doctor/biologist

there are a ton more holes such as why the dark seekers couldnt smell people…why the hive was standing in a circle and didnt seem to care about will smith being there, obvious noise/scent

bah…it was a great thriller, and one of the better movies i have seen in a while, but suspension of disbelief has to be higher i will admit that

oh and also a huge hole is how they didnt ever find him in his house before the stupid bitch brought him back too soon. i mean…he was there for years, doing shit, leaving SOME SORT OF PATH…not just blood or scent. where he parks his truck etc blah

This is why I hate reading books and then seeing the movies; I have a hard time separating what I know about the book from the fact that it’s “just a movie”.

I still suggest reading it though. It’s only 160 pages…

Does the book fill in any of these gaps listed above? I’d buy it.

She said she was in Brazil when the virus hit. She was FROM Maryland.

In order for the darkseekers to set the trap, they would have to have known the relationship will smith had with “frank”.

-ok, this is what i got about FRANKS head moving. It was Wills imagination. He looked over at it noticed it was there and his mind played a trick on him but the director wanted it to play the same mindgame on us.

-The movie made sense at times but totally lost me at some other times. He said he was immuned to the virus, did that mean being bit too or only the virus when it went airborne?

-About the cars being clean. I am sure he cleaned his favorite cars (fords:hay:). Like others said, if he had enough time to set up the Maniquens then he had enough time to clean a few cars.

  • I was puzzled on how she got off the island and on to it.

  • And last but not least, how did he consider it a cure? Your telling me that you would have do tie down each of these rabie infected humans? Put ice around them to strengthen up the “cure”? Whos got time to do that when there are billions of these creatures out there. Someone better get a lot of ice and rope:poke:

he talked about this part. he was immune to both airborne and direct contact. sam (the dog) was only immune to airborne, not direct contact, which is why he got infected when he was bit.