i am legend

they were filming a movie outside my apartment today.
several blocks worth of trucks, people, and equipment for what will probably be 5 seconds in the movie.
It is called I Am Legend and stars Will Smith, Johnny Depp, a german shepard, and a bunch of mutants. It was supposed to come out in 1990 with Arnold Shwartzenagger but it went over budget.
There were at least 3 red 2007 Cobras on set.
my doorman flirted with a PA and got her radio so we were listening to the particulars as they drove up and down park avenue, we were probably just barely out of the shot and the closest ones to the action.
it wasn’t that exciting, but a first for me nonetheless.

my building: http://www.neonfuck.com/albums/random/blegend016.jpg
from my window: http://www.neonfuck.com/albums/random/blegend025.jpg

That is pretty spiffy. :tup:

seeing pictures of nyc makes me want to move there even more

Thats pretty cool…

When I was there last week visiting my GF. We where walking to dinner to the Spice Factory on Hudson and 14St… And just so happens Eve was going to eat there as well…

Sorry but this is the best pic I got of here. I did not want to be rude in the restaurant and take pics of her… But It was pretty cool that I was eating at the table next to a rapper…

that’s cool. i never recognize anybody.
a few weeks ago, i walked out of my apt and passed kevin bacon and ethan hawke. they were walking together, wearing matching outfits (white t shirt and jeans) and ethan hawke had a man-purse. that puts me within 6 degrees! lol

Thats right by my office (chelsea market building), and everyone i work with is ALWAYS seeing people and I never see or recognize anybody.

At first I thought this was about some crappy hardcore band that hit the scene a few years ago, but maybe thats my cuncussed brain’s fault.

Word. When I was in the city over the summer for my internship, I saw Alec Baldwin and Susan Sarandon filming for some movie over by Washinton Heights (I don’t remember what movie) and Spiderman 3 by the Brooklyn Bridge.

I’m wrking a Filming set in the city, Its a Fox production but they refuse to let me or anyone else know what show it is.

Was kewl though, last night they rented a car, Dirtyed the crap out of it and drove around for like 5 minutes to film inside the car for a shot.

I wish i knew what it was for though

I didn’t know they made a roof foot pack for the new mustang??? I customer was looking for that, and I couldn’t find a roof rack that would work besides a magnetic one… Damn hollywood

it’s pretty sweet to see how movies are made. :tup:

sweet. Nothing cool ever happens here in little old akron.

off topic but…

it’s not a “man purse”

it’s a man bag, and they are the best thing ever created, my roomates came with an optional triple liner and holds about 20 beers.
I love the thing

and also that’s not a roof rack, it’s a fully adjustable camera holder that they use in most movies.

on topic
but that would be kinda sweet to look out and see

it’s not a roof rack? but how would will smith get all his luggage around in nyc?
add all the beer or handguns you want and its still a purse.
and i think on its best day, it could hold 3 or 4 beers. this wasn’t a ginormous ice chest on a strap like you’ve described.

awesome :slight_smile:

i dont get any action in this area besides bucky.