So, my car got hit by the bb bandit

Well I came out to my car this morning to find that my passenger door on the drivers side took a bb to it. I was pretty disgusted that some dickhead would go around and do that. Some people have no respect. Anyways. The paint is chipped pretty bad and would like to get it taken care of ASAP. So if anyone knows of anyone that would be able to hook me up or if you wanted to do it yourself, please let me know. The bb left a pretty good ding in it and the paint is chipped away. I have no clue what it would cost but let me know. Thanks.~John

roots collision on abbott road in south buffalo ask for jr


curious where this happened? my moms was shot while she was driving in her new subaru…same thing… left a good dent, and the paint chipped away about the size of a quarter…only 1 week after buying the car new…
anyway, she was quoted $500 from the dealer…

So now two people have posted about this happening, but not where it happened.

Details people… details. :slight_smile:

Yes, details please. If you can.

That blows.

It was actually on highland by ta skrapper in what is it tonawanda, but by highland and parker right by the park there. happened over night.


anyway, she was quoted $500 from the dealer…


Thats shitty!!!

John, check your PMs.

my moms got it driving on austin street near tonawanda street…right as she was about to go under the train overpass there.