So my sister was fired...need some advice

you’re sure shes not a dude?

Thats not saying much

Coming from the biggest bitch on the board :walter:


ILCisDEAD: it’s okay that youre not attracted to me, after all i dont like gweedos (an Italian who commonly uses too much hair jell and has many homosexual tendencies even tho they announce them selfs straight commonly found in clubs and bars found around gross easy chicks; a wiggar that dresses like one of the sopranos; anyone that wears all clothing from places such as abercrombie, American Eagle, or J-Crew. with greased back hair and sliver chains, that talks like a mobster but in reality is still suckling his mommys teet. )

-It’s not my fault that i dont take the time of my day to pluck my eyebrows every time before i go out.

-Youre not good looking, and youre on a car site, but must have a p.o.s. because you dont even show anything about your car.

-Keep up the good work facebooking people; you Fucking CHACH!!!

Love, Carley

hahahah, and italians wear gold, not silver.

wanna be wops dammit :slight_smile:

I thought it was spelled “gel” am I wrong?

no its gel :slight_smile:

if she is still looking for a job Sahlen’s is hiring. summer jobs only.

Sounded like a nice burn…


its guido dude. guido

i hate italians too, theyre all greasy and hairy and stink like salami


shut up bitch swallow?

I kid I kid did she ever find a job yet?

If she still looking for a job and is a good waitress tell her to go to the casino.Wifey makes close to a grand a week average and they can get full benefits including dental if need be.

NYS law says a business owner can fire an employee for no reason at all, with out notice. I know this for sure, 1 My family has owned a biz for 34 years 2, i recently asked my lawyer this and he confirmed it, i think theres only a few states that have this law.