So my uncle was on Channel 4 tonight.

And no one told me :doh: Just found it funny when I was watching the news and this came on.

The story -

Kind of ruined our last day in Atlantic City :stick:

I bet it did.

That’s some typical local BS. Hard to prove whether it was corruption or incompetence, but from the story, it seems inexcusable either way.

wow thats one hell of a mix up

all I can say is I’ve seen the legal system in action, and this dosent supprise me


for a fee I can serve some justice for you…

Sue the judge for being an idiot. :dunno:

damn…thats sucks

Wow that is almost too much to believe. I never would imagine that something like that could happen. And who is paying the constable with no proof of his work? The county pays without date, time, or signature. WTF??

I’ll update as this goes along, for any interested.

To add :

My father was turned around, and one of them hit him in the back of the head with a chair. That knocked him out, that’s the “brain injury” and that’s why my uncle thought he was dead.

Sheesh that’s so awful! Good luck to them getting this straightened out!!!

wow… figures… this stuff never surprises me at all, hence why I frown upon the justice system as a whole, everything is crooked. Hope everything works out ok.