So Obama gets another term–NgBgg


Jesse ventura 2016

It always surprises me how everyone assumes only black or Hispanics are on welfare. The term “Dumpster diving for dinner” I learned from a “Redneck.”

It feels to me like America loves pointing fingers at minorities.
If we cut military spending that would put a HUGE chunk of change back in our pockets. FuCK Foreign AID! Charity begins at home! WE are broke Foreign Aid go’s in the pockets of the assholes oppressing countries!
ferdinand marcos for example our foreign AID paid for 8 thousand custom shoes for that ass hat.

I often wounder for all the people that believe in Romney I HIGHLY doubt they know much about his history.

That would be someone like Ron Paul and he is NEVER getting in office.

The two party dictatorship says “no.”


But we wont! Why we are in debt to China everyone and their mother knows that. But another reason is corporation GREED! It reminds me of slavery really. When all the white people had farms, but didn’t want to work themselves they opted for the cheapest labor possible Slaves… After slavery was ended they begrudgingly paid something like a penny or two an hour. But still made an INSANE profit.

This cheap skate mentality has survived over the years. Now with China, Vietnam,Thailand & even Romania has gotten into the cheap labor game. Companies especially in America! Outsource to boost profit margin “business ethics” is a PR word that means jack shit. Why pay an American a decent wage to make something when you could have maybe 10 to 20 Chinese labors make an iPhone for the price of one american?

Also no healthcare, or retirement Apple is rich for a reason.
Even Dell does this, I’ll never buy another Dell computer in my life all costumer service is in fucking India! An American Company wont even pay an American to answer a phone it’s disgusting.

We need a Government that says “No more out sourcing work!” even video game companies are firing employees to hire people over seas for cheaper labor.

And IF I hear it’s to stimulate another countries economy I’ll puke.
IDK about you, but I don’t see any other country sending work here to simulate our fucked economy.

People believe God wanted Mitt Romney to win the presidency…:Idiots

So yes they do Think the president would fix everything. I mean REALLY, if they think the magic man in the sky is going to whisk them away leaving only their clothes at the end of the world. And the Secret is based on Fact…

Why on Earth wouldn’t they believe Romney would change everything?