So, R/C Cars people....

Where do you guys race your R/C on or off road? or do you just race in back yard? Just wondering.

Think I am getting a toy for X’mas and some winter bashing…:excited:excited

Hope you have some space, 1/8 buggys run out of room quick, lol. I prefer AE cars, but I only run electric anymore.

Electric ftw.

1/8 buggies are awesome though, there’s a track in Latham, maybe. Competition Hobby IIRC.

Decent track, kinda shitty last time I was there. Dunno.

Go bigger: Baja 5b SS

go with a 1/18th scale. tons of fun in a little package, cheaper parts, and they are good indoors and outdoors

Aaron, if you get an offroad one I know a great spot for you to take it out on.

I’ve got a 1/10 nitro 2wd buggy for sale.

T-Maxx FTW.

I know that one. As much as I want one, 1:5 just doesn’t make a good buggy for racing, at least not in NA as most tracks here are built to 1:8 scale. So, there is really no point in spending that kind of money for something you can’t race in most clubs.

I know Branstormers in chester, ran a great 1:8 outdoor series. Which I am thinking of doing next season in between running my bike.

I think I know where…lol

I see what you mean.

I think they turn that track into an oval…

competition has two tracks one oval and on offroad with “sweet jumps”

I have an 1/8 Ofna buggy, savage and a 10th 4wd touring. all collecting dust. the buggy is fast and would be a blast on a real track. the savage I can take to an MX track and launch it and beat on it. the on road is VERY fast, somewhat hard to dial in and make handle transfer power correctly, etc but when it is its a blast too.

someday I might get them running again.

Barnstormers ran a pretty good 1:8 series in ther summer.

Oh, so you know what youre getting into with an 1/8 scale then. Losi is decent as far as a brand, I just dont like how they have so many random parts between chassis. What I mean is Associated uses a lot of interchangeable parts between models. I loved my nitro sport stadium truck, but the upkeep and what not, just is not for me. I only do 1/10 and 1/18. The RC18 series is a great basher for the size, I own a few lol. But again I am an AE fanboi. Just before settling on Losi, check out the SC8, and RC8. They both have electric versions also. As far as running them, where I am, there is the gokart place just off Cobleskill 88 exit… I have not actually run there, but the owner said they usually run on sundays.

That is sweet, can swap some on road tires just for fun.

This is the track at Chester: :excited:excited

Vlad, something similar will do…:rofl:rofl

I ran my car with a couple of kids from school at sand creek middle school. Surprisingly, nobody bothers you there, even late at night. The parking lot is well lit and smooth, too.

The one time a CPD officer used his radar gun to clock the r/c cars, haha. My friend has that on video somewhere.

We seriously need to set something up, I sold a most of my stuff but I still have my ridiculously overpowered XXX-NT ready to roll.

This just changed my whole RC buying strategy. I know what I’ll doing for the winter other than GT5…:rofl

RC18R or M18 would run nice there. That does look decent sized, Im sure a decently setup 1/10 could run that.

where’s that?

that at wilton?