So Red actually means stop

LOL!!! So you had a good night then?

Glad you are ok man, did the dumbass get a ticket at least?

Sorry to hear Lee. I guess it doesn’t need a timing belt anymore eh? I’ll give ya $20 for the alt if you pull it… That should loosen up your back and put some green in your pocket. I’m glad your ok and your dry streak is over, thanx to doctor x.

There’s a $600 eg on here I think still for sale.

Balls, just balls

thats a party right there:D

j/k get better

ouch dude

Sorry to hear

glad you are ok

did i say 2 fingers? i meant 3

man that blows…at least youre alright

damn that sucks Lee, I guess no hockey for a while then :wink:

Ahhhhhhh poop.

Glad your ok Lee. Don’t worry, there are plenty more Saturn wagons out there!!!

omg i didnt know who this was at first… glad your alright…

how the hell did it not break the windows?

PM me about the auction thing, but you cant come in with out a dealer id

As I am reading your post, I am thinking to myself, “Wow, the same thing just happened to Lee…”

I am a little slow sometimes.

Don’t call William Mattar - he’s a giant bag of douche. Bob knows a few guys that can help you out.

Do you need some Oxycontin for the rally tonight?

hope you arent suggesting this for side crash worthiness


Fucking kids.

I know how you feel,right before xmas some 17yr old decided to ram the back of my Volvo doing like 35.

That about sums it up… but hey, my Cobalt got totalled and look what happened to my car situation.

Everything will turn around soon enough.

We need to go drinking sometime!

i guess it could be worse, you could have balls on your forehead :slight_smile:


Sorry to hear that man. Stop by when you feel better!