So say you work for a faceless corperation.

:lol: PEBKAC :tup:

As for who to ask, that’s tough. Maybe go to HR and say something like "hey I really have no use for my time off. Can I just cash in on it or anything like that? What about when I leave? Could I just accrue it for a few years and then leave with a nice lump?

I dunno, tough call. I used all of my time off before I left. The only time I ever called in sick to OGSI is when I was interviewing with Praxair. :rofl:

Here’s a perfect real world example of how small a town this really is. When I was in college working the phones at ClientLogic on Iomega tech support Lori Ferrachio was the call center manager. When I left I would have loved to flip out on a customer and just walk out, but I didn’t. 2 weeks notice, left in good standing.

A few years later in my professional career I’m looking for various programming jobs to apply for and I hit Independent Health’s website. Who do I see is now a big wig over at IH… yep, Lori Ferachio. Had they had any openings I was qualified for I would have had a great chance at the position. Of course, had I burned that bridge, that company would now be off limits. Same goes for Adelphia, since most of the managers at ClientLogic ended up going over there.

Remember… “The toes you step on today may be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.”


That was pretty priceless listening to that one row over. Didn’t they kick you out after you stopped taking calls half-way through. Or something like that.


Before my buddy got fired he would record calls through his minidisk player. We had a :snky: software program that let us know when we were being recorded by the company so he had it going forever. The one gag he did wasn’t that funny but to me it was hilarious.

It was a normal call with some lady and about halfway through he stops and he says are you watching MASH? There was the theme song in the background. So she was like ummm no can we please take care of my issue. So then he starts talking about episodes of mash in between each tech support step. Finally she gets frustrated and he gets back to the last step and before he tells her to do anything he asks her " you remember that episode of MASH when that bitchy lady got her ass hung up on?" CLICK

I loved that one.


You never burn bridges thats what you do.



Devin…you should look in your employee handbook or find a way to call HR during the day and ask what the policy for vacation is because you are planning a long trip to Europe and want to take it all at the same time. Then once you “get back” put your two weeks in OR if the handbook/HR people say you can get your vacation time paid out if you leave…then do that. Good Luck


Devin…you should look in your employee handbook or find a way to call HR during the day and ask what the policy for vacation is because you are planning a long trip to Europe and want to take it all at the same time. Then once you “get back” put your two weeks in OR if the handbook/HR people say you can get your vacation time paid out if you leave…then do that. Good Luck


:tup: They will not pay you out there though. Linda Hontz, if she is still the HR lady there, will tell you to use all your days and come in for your last day or something like that. The HR lady is actually very nice there on my exit interview she was very helpful in making sure i got every cent that i could possibly have coming to me. I even ended up with a bonus check that i don’t think i was elgible for.

do what iam doing my last day is goingto be horrible for the company i work for.


do what iam doing my last day is goingto be horrible for the company i work for.


horrible, or the best day in their history? :smiley:

dude, leave on good terms. but if you work at client logic, it sucks, and everyone knows it does. i worked there for 2 years, years upon years ago. the only cool thing is the ellicott facility had a bar within walking distance


the only cool thing is the ellicott facility had a bar within walking distance


Ulrich’s Tavern! I wish my current employer had a bar that close.


do what iam doing my last day is goingto be horrible for the company i work for.


My last day was great for the company I worked for. From what I’ve heard, every day thereafter has sucked. :biglol:


Ulrich’s Tavern! I wish my current employer had a bar that close.


haha yes… they had a mean fish fry. not to mention when there were multiple blizzards, everyone had to stay at client logic because the roads were just impossible to navigate… so ulrich’s gave everyone free drinks for the whole night

man a lot of people hooked up in the building, it was sick lol


E. Find a better paying job, tell current employer that you’re going there for better pay/benefits… then let the bidding war begin (it’ll cost them more on average to replace you, in most cases, than to give you a little more)


While true for higher level jobs, this really holds no weight for entry level positions. You’d be kidding yourself if you thought that any large employer really gave a shit about someone making $8-12/hour. You might get another .50 or 1.00 per hour at best.


That was pretty priceless listening to that one row over. Didn’t they kick you out after you stopped taking calls half-way through. Or something like that.


Yeah, after I got done making fun of people I just put my box in AUX and started reading FHM. They caught on after like 3 hours and said they’d pay me for the shift but I needed to either take calls or leave cause I was fucking up the metrics.


haha yes… they had a mean fish fry. not to mention when there were multiple blizzards, everyone had to stay at client logic because the roads were just impossible to navigate… so ulrich’s gave everyone free drinks for the whole night

man a lot of people hooked up in the building, it was sick lol


if the ellicott building employees looked/smelled anything like the average hertel one, that must have been quite a scary sight.


do what iam doing my last day is goingto be horrible for the company i work for.


Good idea to post this on a forum your boss is on?


Good idea to post this on a forum your boss is on?


I post on a forum my boss is a moderator on, and im going to do something terrible in the bathroom at the end of my shift.

^Upper decking?

I WISH!! nah i had thai its prolly gonna be like the hershey factory exploded on the seat.


Good idea to post this on a forum your boss is on?


:lol: who is his boss?


Before my buddy got fired he would record calls through his minidisk player. We had a :snky: software program that let us know when we were being recorded by the company so he had it going forever. The one gag he did wasn’t that funny but to me it was hilarious.

It was a normal call with some lady and about halfway through he stops and he says are you watching MASH? There was the theme song in the background. So she was like ummm no can we please take care of my issue. So then he starts talking about episodes of mash in between each tech support step. Finally she gets frustrated and he gets back to the last step and before he tells her to do anything he asks her " you remember that episode of MASH when that bitchy lady got her ass hung up on?" CLICK

I loved that one.


ahahahahahaha that was Scott right Rob? He was over cross from me. haha legendary

Scott made a guy format his computer. Todd is the one that did the mash bit.