Need Advice v. Employer trying to dick me around

Many members on here have worked at Classified’s Plus…and know what a shitty company it is. Up to this point, they’ve been great for me regarding scheduling around school, since they’re opened 24/7 and will essentially allow me to make any schedule i want based on my availability.

Recently i was told i would be training on a new system at our 2nd office for the week, i thought no big deal…i get there to find out that the man in charge left everybody in the dark, including me…regarding the fact that i would be expected to stay at this new building from now on. I have no desire to stay at this building, and several other managers are on my side and want me to stay at the old building since i’m one of few reps qualified and trained in all of the other systems that works weekends at the original place.

I don’t recall ever signing anything stating i’m willing to relocate, but am being told i dont have a choice in this matter.

i’m just curious what the law buff’s on here think. are there any employer to employee relations laws that protect me from being forced to make this move? they’ve not threatened me in any way YET, but when you tell me i dont have a choice, you’re implying that you plan on using your leverage over me to force me to move.

again, this new building is very inconvenient for me, and the management there is ridiculous…nothing i want to take part in.

what should i say/use in my own defense? i dont want to have to quit since again, they’re very good with hours and working around school, and i make pretty good money for still being a full time student.

Quit and become the porn star you have always dreamed of being.

I worked for a company once that was in Irving and lost their building, they shuffled us all up to Hertle ave in Buffalo without so much as a second thought…
I remember I wanted to quit and collect unemployment but NYS law lets an employer relocate you up to 45? miles away or something crazy like that without any compensation…

good luck

i’m better off keeping that as my side job so i dont have to claim my earnings…


Talk to Myra. She will fix everything. Ill post more when im not posting from a phone…

i talked to her…she has no backbone at all, and goes with whatever anybody tells her to…i use to have a lot more respect for her.

Steve is really playing an active role sticking up for myself and others in the same shitty situation. Dave W. is the head dog being shady about everything…he’s the one that left EVERYBODY, including Myra, in the dark…he lead everybody to believe it was just a new training program, then once we were over there training released the info that he was planning on keeping us there.

like i said, i can probably help you out. I still have a connection at that abortion of a company…

Whats your name again?

You make it seem like this is your career…

and didn’t you get the memo everything in Buffalo is only 20min away.

Nissan sent out a memo and told everyone they were moving from California to Tennessee.
I doubt a 15 min longer drive to work is going to classify as a workers rights complaint

I had a friend that worked there, she doesn’t work there anymore lol

NY is employ at will. You can be moved, demoted, promoted, fired, hired, etc. at any time for any reason.

An employer can technically come in one day, say anyone wearing red is fired and be ok. If he wants to move you to the new office and you don’t want to or are unable to, you can be fired.

The only backing you might have is if you can prove that you fall into a protected class which I doubt you can prove (ie. the employer is having all women move offices to the second plant).

get another job lined up, put in your 2 weeks notice…

when they ask why, tell them why…