So SCS can talk shit on Pittspeed but Pittspeed moderators

Dont start with me motherfucker. I still owe you a kick in the nuts for jamming your elbow into my ribs on purpose the whole way back to your house from Whitey’s in the Jewtrain.

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why is that little ghetto child wearing a Rancid shirt?

The Internet is serious business!

ha which way to turn? (chad passed out) wakes up long enough to tell me i went wrong way and passes out again

oh no he was only pretending to be passed out and digging his god damned elbows into my ribcage as hard as he could. Thank goodness we were so close and he didn’t have time to reach for my junk.

this site has evolved into a chat discussion site. When first popped up it was all about racing of all kinds. Now its more about “hey look what i bought”, “daily bs” and hardly anyone racing

I don’t think anyone is ever welcome here. I’ve been lurking here for a bit, posting some and I still get shit. O-well, yeah there is room for this site to grow but the typical run everyone off.

friends roll with the punches. and thats what everyone here pretty much is.

Who the fuck died and appointed Swarzkopf the sarcasm czar? This aint shit. Ohh lets make Pittspeed fucking boring and PC and put in a curse word filter and moderate it like a grade school playground. Then it will be so much more entertaining.

Hey, that’s not what I want either- all I’m saying is I’ve seen some pretty cool newbs here recently with interesting/quick cars/waddever getting driven off for no apparent reason. Teasing is fun, but it seems like it’s gotten excessive in the past few months (and it seems like I’m not the only one who feels this way). The internet isn’t serious business- it’s just another medium for folks to communicate with. I used to be a total dick to people online when I was younger, too. I kind of stopped when I realized how easy it was for potential employers to find the absurd, abrasive crap I’d posted online. Now, I think about some of the stuff I posted and realize what a dick I was.

Just providing my input is all- I’ll be here regardless. This site has done some really cool stuff for me in the past and I definitely appreciate the owners/mods taking the time to make it available and keep it online.

I think that this fever/congestion/medication is making me ramble. :smiley:

You’ve got to be joking. Everyone is welcome here. Sure you might catch some shit from time to time. Who fucking cares? It’s the internet!

Congratulations on your epiphany. Chad is right though. If you can’t take a little shit then you don’t belong here. It’s a core group of people. If you want in to the group, you have to play by our rules. We bust balls and bullshit but it’s all in fun and NONE of it is serious. Its fun, entertaining, and most importantly GETS PEOPLE HYPED UP ABOUT RACING.

How many people do you think showed up at the BBQ for the shot to see that loud-mouthed asshole Darkstar get his ass handed to him? Sure, probably not JUST because of that, but all of the call outs and shit talking pretty much caused the event to even take place at all.

This is the truth, and some might even say this is “sad.” It seems like most of the “OG’s” have meet their maker when it comes to “priorities.” Alot of “OG’s” now have kids, a family, or hell even pursuing a career (that last one really caught me off guard) and racing seems to have taken a back seat. BUT don’t get me wrong, there is a select few that “keep it gangster” and I salute you!

as gangster as being thrown over a railing into a giant bush, stranded like a retarded, giggling turtle on its back?

this didnt have to be true. if you look back some of the OGs like brian still had his whole career, family and life and still proceeded to do racing events and the occasional street toying. Now select members are approching the age brian was when site first was around and quit totally. Point trying to say just cause you see changes in life doesnt mean have to give up what you orignally done

Not as gangster as bringing your girlfriend to a bachelor party?


Who cares about Racing… E-thuggin FTW. I am here to read D-Star’s entertaining posts.
Racing is stupid.

and to try and get people to wear your cousin eddie shoes…dont forget that.

u only think racing is stupid cuz u dont have a car at the moment…lol

you don’t have to give up what you once loved, but people and hobbies change over time. At one time, I used to be into cars, then I had kids/work/house and got into other things. I am now into dirtbikes and riding with my kids as much as possible. Over the next few years, I may be into something else (like fucking Darkstar’s mom in the ass, her BJ’s are getting boring after all those years) Just because you never lost the racing fever doesn’t mean it’s wrong that others have.

On a side note, Darkstar fucking rules. :love: :cuddle: :naughty:

I am not “friends” with anyone from this site off of the internet but would gladly help anyone on the site if they needed it. Damn, I have been talking to you retards for a lot of years now. I feel like I know some of you better than my “real” friends. :smiley: