So SCS can talk shit on Pittspeed but Pittspeed moderators

Wait 18 days egg roll !


suck it bitch

man i cant believe i have known some of you almost a decade from PSR / here.

LOL, You just did. :hsugh:


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ha were were u guys earler? you know just what i was trying to say.

Taking a paternity test, Praying i am not your father

idk if getting rapped makes you a fag cause its not choice

rapped?? like 8 mile shit?

yeah. but i guess that happens when you drive rice

Wow, I’m honored… I made it into the holy grail of the great darkfart’s sig.

your name will be forever remembered in history.:bowdown:

get off my dick, brah.

I hardly ever post on here and i def miss how things used to be. I agree with alot of the guys now, that group from 5+yrs ago now has different priorities, which sux. i am def thankful for the friends i have made from this board. Brian and all the JJ’s guys, Don and the rest of the mx guys. that alone, makes this board worth while. kinda sux for the newbs tho, to not have experienced that back when shit was different.

This board is in desperate need of an hero.

Fuck hero’s. Under dogs always prevail

no. AN HERO.

But its’ better to be a hero BROTHER !!!