So Seriously...


yep, stress always fucks up my eating habits. i have no appetite when im stressed out.


word and im fucking fat so thats probably a good thing.

um i think food makes your hunger go away? eat slowly and enjoy it, don’t just chow down as much as you possibly can. and that doesn’t mean eat a big mac, large fries, 10 piece nugget, soft serve, milkshake, bk quad stacker, and arby’s 5 for 5 slowly within a 3 hour period either.


word and im fucking fat


that could be why you’re having girl problems in the first place.

JK. :stuck_out_tongue:



I dont eat when i get pissed, or if im really upset. I have been having some issues with my girlfriend and another girl and i have barely been eating.


Word. I had a bad breakup in college and I dropped like 10lbs.


that could be why you’re having girl problems in the first place.

JK. :stuck_out_tongue:



You know you want my cock

+1 to coffee




Lol, I forgot about that one.

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:3,topic:26496"”]



Not true…not that i would know or anything…imean I’ve heard stuff :snky:

2 foot long chunk of salami.

PS: its not for eating :wink:

Get AIDS, you’ll get really sick and won’t wanna eat. ask skunk he never eats

Protein shakes.

I just got use to not eating from not being very active in winter. In summer however, I eat like I’ve been on a desert island for a month lol.


I just got use to not eating from not being very active in winter. In summer however, I eat like I’ve been on a desert island for a month lol.


Desert? Or Deserted?

Deserted…my bad.


I just got use to not eating from not being very active in winter. In summer however, I eat like I’ve been on a desert island for a month lol.


Weird, I’m the total opposite. The more inactive I am, the more I eat.

Well like when I landscape in the summer I eat a ton because I’m burning alot of calories and my body craves food. When I dont do anything in the winter I get into the habbit of not eating regularly. I’ve gone from 210lbs in spetember to 190 lbs just from not eating as much. Although I was still eating alot after my surgery because I had to adjust to the sudden stop in physical activity, so I was still eating alot and I gained weight.


Drive to rochester, go to Nick Tahou’s, chow 2 garbage plates… I guarentee you won’t be hungry…


That would probably burn when you went to go drop a deuce. However I could go for a cheeseburger plate right about now… fuggin buffalo has no garbage plates; hate you.


Desert? Or Deserted?


Dessert island’s are the best. :tup:

heres a gauranteed way to not be hungry anymore.

Go downtown and fuck every homeless guy you can find. 2 things will keep you from being hungry

1.) Your battered Bruised Bloody Mush of a pelvis
2.) Your frantic wondering about what diseases you have contracted.

x-lax youll be so busy shitting you wont have time to eat. AAANNND youll lose weight at the same time