So the plan is


Hopefully not at U of Hawaii if you’re underage and want to have any fun…everyone’s always shocked but they get voted into the 10 WORST party schools in the nation like every year


and what music do you listen to?

U2 puts on an incredible live show…plus U2 and Pearl Jam performing full sets at the same venue…def. once in a lifetime opportunity, especially since it wasn’t planned.

PS - If you listen to DMB and/or think they are better than either of the 2 groups listen above…you can just STFU and GTFO my thread ASAP

seriously. U2… meh. PJ = teh lose.

i wanna go with

u2 is awful, but hawaii is cool

You have horrific taste in music, so it’s good that you’re not a fan

I think exploring Hawaii and partying there will be more fun than any dumb concert. Stay there a few more days or your stupid

No. I know what sucks. AND PJ Sucks real bad.

you are flying 10 hours not to go to the beach, but for one band that wasnt good in 87 and another band that was ok in 92?

oh ya totally.

:lol: :lol:

Says the guy w/ the bullet belt

Ever see either live?

Pearl Jam was awarded an Esky for best live act in Esquire’s 2006 Esky Music Awards.

i bet they’re good. no really, veder is a wino, and falls all over the stage, while horribly singing all the good songs he wrote over 10 years ago… while you stand there and have a hard on cause you just paid $48762398297862927 to see a washed up band 10 hours away from home. have fun!

yeah, b/c they haven’t released a new album since '96 :bloated:


pearl jam, meh…U2…:tup: X 35968745986754

i still can’t believe i was able to score tickets to see U2, for $10 box office price each…long after they sold out…unbelievable…and the show was incredible…

i jus wanna go to hawaii

what a waste of money.

wrong again…but whatever…having never seen them live your opinion isn’t valid

Not really it’s about $1300 for the whole deal…

The show this past year? Yeah that was pretty good. My only gripe w/ U2’s live act is that as good a performance as it is, it’s planned out minute to minute.

thats the only thing I would think of, i would atleast make a weekend out of it, go to Deja Vu 300 hot girls, 3 ugly ones, sad part is there slogan is true